Renathal Discussion

(TL; DR: Leave Renathal alone at least until players like myself get our fill of it. Thank you!)

Prior to this card’s release, the meta had become redundant in that a very narrow amount of meta decks were almost all we saw. Now, with the introduction of Renathal, I believe this is the most diverse meta I have yet to play in my 2-3 years of playing.

Players need to learn acceptance. Players also need to consider the much fun players are having right now with this new legendary. Like clockwork, pre-Renathal, the meta was stale. Facing the same meta decks every game can quickly become monotonous. However, now, there is so much experimentation in progress among players, that you never know what you’re gonna going to be matched against.

As has been pointed out, this meta is fantastic, for others and I. Most classes are represented on ladder still, but this time these decks are somewhat unpredictable, making for fun games; they’re unpredictable due to these being, for the most part, homebrewed, highly unrefined decks.

I’m sure many players don’t feel this way, and I can completely understand why. When accustomed to short matches, this minion is allowing for longer matches. And so, akin to all meta’s, adapting to this meta is paramount.

I’m definitely not advocating for the removal of aggro, at all. Aggro is a necessary component of Hearthstone.

The pros and cons balance out Renathal decks. 10+ health is immensely helpful in terms of survivability. However, the con is having to add 10 (typically) worse cards or slightly mediocre cards to the deck. It’s a fair trade, in my opinion, however, it isn’t worth putting in most decks, which makes this a niche card, unplayable in most classes and decks.

The novelty of this card is already dininishing, and is no longer around every corner, unless you’re unlucky enough to go on a spree against said decks.

Lastly, it’s definitely worth pointing out that these decks are not refined, and so by conceding, you are very likely be missing out on a win. My advice here is to stop conceding, because using a powerful meta deck very often can easily bypass that +10 health.

In conclusion, enjoy yourselves. This card is (mostly) being blown out of proportion as it’s being utilized in decks that serve better without Renathal, and this inclusion dampers the success of most of these decks, as of right now.

Embrace it. It isn’t an “I WIN CARD,” it’s supplemental, but not always – it can be the downfall of many decks including this card.

In closing, please try and understand that many players are enjoying this minion. Drop the pitchforks and allow this card to have room to be played.

As an aside: please do not advocate nerfing or HoF’ing this card. Allow us to enjoy it, and you should too, because it’s great fun and not detrimental to the game as of yet.

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The meta is just as stale now. Getting scammed by Prestor Druid or having everything removed/outhealed while getting killed by passive damage by Warlock was “fun” for like 5 games.

Add in a little sprinkle of random scammy mage, lovely!

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I’m certainly not denying that such powerful decks exist. I’d say that most metas become stale, namely when an expansion is upcoming, and they’ve been more or less the same for months. Boredom is almost inevitably reached.

In my experience, while I, of course, still run into meta decks, the ongoing experimentation with Renathal is allowing for more variety to exist. I like that. Obviously, these decks do not represent all the meta, and that’s for the best. I will say this has been the most impactful free legendary ever released, and I am happy to run into these unique decks here and there.

And yes, meta decks will still exist and be played – people like winning. However, there is some nice class/deck variety right now, in my experience.

By no means am I trying to minimize how you feel. It’s paramount that players enjoy the game they’re playing.

I can deal with both using my rogue burgle deck, are very touph matchs but I can win.

What I can’t deal at all are DH killing in turn 5 with 30HP.

In my opinion this is the best card release after Reno.

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I fail to see the deck variety. It’s the same stuff as pre Renethal with more removal/healing + scammy Prestor.

Please don’t take this as a “gotcha moment.” May I ask the rank you’re playing in? At D10, the variety I’ve been experiencing is pleasant.

As an aside, @Smulpaj, if it were up to you, how would you work on increasing the variety in the classes and decks we face? Sounds like a hard fix. Maybe, even, impossible.

i noticed ive been winning games vs bomb rogues thx to that extra hp!( games ended with me at 10 or less hp)

they must really hate this card ! :rofl:


I’m still climbing after reset. At D5 Eu i basicly only face Prestor Druid or Curse lock.

As for variety , I wish they would actuallt take into consideration and go back to clear class identities with strengths and weaknesses. Good examples are the direction with warlocks healing/removal, mage armor gain etc.

Anyone who basically doesn’t have every single card for a class cannot run it reasonably in standard or even wild, but when you do actually have 40 synergistic cards a 10 health buff is a bit insane so its a very P2W decision, it does encourage me to collect every card of one class instead of swapping around, makes completing the quests a bit harder too. I would have probably preferred a stat squish personally, if they wanted to increase deck sizes to 40 they should have also increased gold rewards and not decreased them by making deck creation steeper and the factor that swapping decks around has been the main method for generating packs. Maybe more people will try take their 30 card decks to casual more often too, because for the first time I don’t really believe you can use your off-decks in ranked, some 30 card decks might remain viable as some synergies are just hard to pass by, but this will be the more niche decision as far as really optimized decks go.

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How’s it P2W when the card was given to us freely?


Okay let’s say you wanted to play a reno deck, like reno priest when it was considered to be the strongest in wild and the most optimal version of it consisted of about 9 legendaries (and I did have about 2 legendaries for it and missing 7), so I never use those cards even those they were a part of the most optimal 30 card package in the game. Having Renethal is useless if you cannot utilize or obtain a 40 card package that is fairly optimal, you can try make some pauper 40 card deck, but you won’t really see the advantage.

This is absolutely correct. Most decks do not warrant the use of Renathal. Less than a handful of them can, if that many.

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So basically you are going to have less diversity in my opinion because they will basically create a new tier on top and they will mostly consist of a lot of expensive cards.

Like for instance I know the best thing I can do right now is probably take a deck that I’ve had to cut cards that still are quite strong like in secrets mage, jam in Stargazer Luna, Evocation, Commander Sivara, Aluneth and the like 4 secret cards I basically couldn’t utilize because I had a certain level of redundancy and actually I believe that with my collection it would cost me 10,000 dust + to ever make a deck that even slightly compares to that.

I could list a lot of deck archetypes that would be very powerful with 40 cards that I won’t even nearly have access to even though at 30 cards, I owned these decks. So it’s going to for the average player, the 99% of players who don’t have every card, will limit you quite severely.

OldGuardian of hearthstone top decks wrote an excellent article(you should check it out) on this new meta card and future HS consequences as we get new cards and the card gets stronger. The last mini set did not hit the mark as the previous one, this card did.

Get your fill quickly. I’m already bored of facing it 90% of games.


Ill agree that theres nothing op with this card as it forces players to redefine their decks. I find most quest users dont actually care to use it as it stifles their order and im yet to see it as a bonus for those who do use it as by turn 2/3 ive taken them to 23 health from 40 (mage) with a spelltac varient in wild. Havnt been content with standard since the most recent release so i avoid it, next one actually looks promising however even though no single player content :frowning:

It’s not P2W in even the slightest. You might be looking for a different phrase or something.

While they misunderstood the card is free for all, I think he is broadly calling Hearthstone P2W in a general sense.

The thing about Hearthstone is that countless free players, after managing their resources properly are perfectly possible to play successfully – and do so consistently.

Many free players here will tell you they reach legend every month, despite playing freely. The game is pay for variety, not pay for wins.

All paying accounts pay for variety, and less so about to have an edge.

P2W? Nope. Proven definitively wrong that free players are at much of a disadvantage.

This is rooted in self-preservation. It’s a way to show up spenders, that for all of their money spent, they are frequently on par with free players. I believe it’s rooted in jealousy. It’s also that these free players feel superior by not spending money while having similar success as paying players.

I’ll end this comment by stating this game is a hobby. There is nothing wrong with spending on a hobby you enjoy. Nevertheless, free players feel (wrongly) superior for playing freely.

Last, it is no one’s business when players are willing to a spend money on Hearthstone.

Piece of advice: mind yourself, not the paying players that allow for this game to exist.

Get off your high horse.


Well that’s not true at all, I’m referring to the shift or increasing cost of the game, not that I believe it has or hasn’t been p2w in the past, I would agree that with some insane amount of grinding you could be on equal footing as a f2p player previously if you often chose decks that were just straight up aggro (sort of a demo in a sense that some of the decks can be powerful might be accessible to you, but there will be some decks that are inevitably locked behind a pay wall, even if those decks are often not top tiered).

Have a think about how aggro decks faire when every p2p deck has 10 extra health, how many extra legendaries you require to obtain these kinds of perks (similarly to reno, but actually you’ll require a lot more cards). Then when you combine that with the fact that 33% of the rewards are obtained through ranked play (i.e. competing against others for score) and then 33% of your gold is obtained through quests (but most of your decks now require 40 cards to be viable).

I don’t understand how you can counterargument someone’s valid points with accusing people of being jealous when in fact you’re probably just playing 5x the average player and not seeing these constraints that the average player feel from lack of resources, I have seen data that shows I play an average amount of hearthstone, which is in line with other people, therefore my experience should be the most applicable.

I thought I detected a little jealousy, reading between the lines. However, if that isn’t how you feel, you have my apologies.

As a side, you do know that Renathal was free to everyone, right?