Refund request-zero rare pack

I just opened a pack that essentially had zero rare cards. Due to whatever is happening with living roots, both epics in the TGT pack I just opened were occupied by living roots, which I already have multiple copies off. I held off on disenchanting the copies originally because I wanted to be moral and it felt wrong “exploiting early and often.” The dust value has since been lowered to the correct amount, but living roots is still counting as an epic, and is unaffected by duplicate protection.

As a result, what should have been a 2 epic pack resulted in the lowest value pack anyone has ever opened of 25 dust, lowest because it should be impossible and is essentially false advertising of the 1 rare minimum guarantee.

Can I please at least be refunded my 100g for the pack? I made sure not to take advantage of the exploit, and was punished as a result. On my birthday no less…

I suggest that you contact Customer Support for this.
Blizzard has already acknowledged that the temporary change of Living Roots from common to rare was not intended. I think it’s a valid request to ask compensation for your case, where you received a five common pack as a result of this bug.