Really strange bug, galakrond miscounts invokes

Hello and thanks in advance.
I was playing galakrond warlock and it counted 3 invokes as 2. The first time I wasn’t able to capture proof but when I reproduced it, I managed to capture proof.
Notice on the left that even you have one invoked imp from last turn, on this turn, it took two invokations to get the 2nd level Galakrond. Also two of the imps from this turn are missing in the bar on the left.

It won’t let me upload links so here is the workaround url:


  1. How to share links to screenshots, videos, and replays - #6
  2. the screenshot dont show how many more invokes galakrond requires
  3. did you by chance shuffle back galakrond with a plot twist?

If you Plot Twist a 1 or 3 invoked Galakrond, it will revert to 0 or 2 invokes, since moving a minion backwards in play (board > hand > deck) removes any effects on that minion.

The reason a 2 or 4 invoke Galakron remains at 2 or 4 invokes is because it’s a unique minion. Invoking twice causes the base Galakrond to become a different minion.


Yes, this seems to be the right answer thank you.

Well, this explains why I’ve been seeing the behavior, but doesn’t make complete sense to me. The invoke upgrades work when the galakrond is in the deck (not in hand), so the invoke doesn’t play like an ‘in hand’ effect and shouldn’t act like one.

All card loose enchantments (except where explicitly stated) when they move backwards in order of play (forwards is deck-­­>hand->play->graveyard). So when Galakrond is invoked while in the deck, it cannot loose enchantements when it moves zones. However, if Galakrond gets enchantments while in hand, then a separate event (Plot Twist, for example) send it backwards into the deck, it will loose enchantments, same as any other card in that situation. Galakrond is not special in that sense.

It is special in the sense that on a second enchantment, it transforms into a new card. This new is not collectible, but it is a card, without enchantments, therefore sending a transformed Galakrond (2 or 4 invoke cards played) backwards will not affect it, same as any other non-enchanted card.

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I tested this theory and invoked galakrond 3 times in the deck before it entered my hand, then invoked a plot twist. Even though galakrond was enhanced while in the deck (not in hand), it reverted to a 2 level when reentering the deck. Disappointing considering galakrond was never invoked while the card was in my hand.

It does not matter where a card was enchanted, and by what effect. What matters is that the card was sent backwards in play order (from hand to deck in this case), all cards which are made to do that will loose enchantment unless that cards explicitly says otherwise (for example Kingsbane or Immortal Prelate).

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