Rattlegore / Lord Barov

A fresh Rattlegore (9/9) will resummon back on the field as an 8/8 even after Lord Barov has set its health to 1. I would expect Rattlegore to disappear because 9/1 with -1/-1 has 0 health. Furthermore, Lord Barov is “SETTING” the health of the enemy minions.

the -1/-1 is referring to that version of rattlegores original stats. when it dies it will then summon its next version that has -1/-1

thanks for the clarification. Do you know how I can close this ticket?

Also experienced this. Not sure why it would work like you suggest Peverin? Like 0P says it’s a 9/1 after Barov’s Battlecry. Any other effects in game(that I can think of) “uses” the current stats of a card.

if it works like you are suggesting it would never come back as when it dies from battle it has 0 or negative health, and with your logic it would mean that it will keep coming back with the current health when it died -1 and instantly die because the health is negative

Merely trying to understand the card from how other cards work. I think it would make perfect sense that if a card came back with 0 health it would die and not enter an infinite loop.
They could easily(?) make that programming. They must have made some special programming already for this card, as it apparently does not look at its current stats, as other cards do.

It just struck me: what happens with the last “normal” 1/1 Rattlegore? Does it go into said loop or does it simply die and disappear? Never played a game with him that went so far.

Is this acknowledged a bug? I was a bit shocked when the 9/1 Barov nerfed Rattlegore came back at 8/8. Its health was 1 so I expected an insta-deathed 8/0. Without Barov, Warrior doesn’t have many counters to this thing.

… did you actually read this thread? No, it is not a bug.

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Yeah, thanks for the input shuteye. Good italics too, would read again.