Quiz. How do people easily recognize bots?

I think you are giving bots too much credit

If by players acting like bots, you are referring to humans following a set strategy when navigating their decks, I can sort of see what you’re implying.

The flaw in that reasoning is one would only go to the trouble of doing that if they had enough to gain from teaching it to win. I suspect this does happen when there is a viable combo deck, but those are rare. More often than not, the goal of the bot is to earn gold to convert into cards via Arena. That doesn’t require wins or anything resembling a purposeful strategy.

And you’re giving lazy streamers too much credit.

Agree to disagree?

If the username is any combination of an animal and a color/gemstone its a bot. Azurerhino Indigoturtle etc.

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someone who didn’t specify a name and was given the Blizzard default.

It is crazy irresponsible to just immediately assume that they’re bots. There are thousands upon thousands of actual humans with such names.


So they take time to make an account, jump through the stupid “authenticate to prove your human” but too lazy to make a 3-12 character name? Definitely a bot.

I’m not sure what this has to do with streamers, but yes, we can agree to disagree on this for now. I believe I am correct that bots do not play combo decks, but I have no solid proof, and I have been incorrect about bot behavior before

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It ain’t just those name combos. Its also the cards they play. 5/5 stealth tigers and murlocs? That is absolutely a bot account. Just stop already.

My point is that you tell a bot by behavior NOT BY NAME ALONE

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no, you can definitely tell by name alone. Seeing thecards tey play during the game just proves it beyond any doubt. I’d report if it actually did anything.

lol keep flagging this comment, still doesn’t make it not true. I (and a dozen+ others) still report names that look like - 乒乓球有弹性 or [color][animal] -


Oh, is that where those are coming from? I was wondering.

Some people really are that lazy.

They play the same braindead agressive decks with all the same neutrals no matter what the class is even freebooter which has weapon synergy when playing mage.