Quitting too many matches because of certain decks

Am I the only one who sees the druid play the make you draw an extra card every turn deck, the priest heal 15 health quest, the priest play 7 deathrattle minions quest, the shammy battlecry quest, etc. etc. etc. who just goes well this match is going to suck so you just quit?

I’ve literally been bobbing up and down between gold 10 and 9 for 2 weeks now because there just aren’t enough opponents to play who aren’t dicks once you get to gold.

No, that’s not why. This is absolutely a skill issue on your part.

I understand that this criticism is, by itself, not particularly constructive. I’m not particularly afraid of being a jerk, but it’s not my goal to be one either. So if you’re on PC, you could post some replays (after downloading the deck tracker from HSReplay if you haven’t already) and I or someone else could maybe give you some pointers. Unfortunately there’s no mobile version of the app that I’m aware of.

What the hell does me going this opponent’s deck is annoying have to do with skill? I quit the matches not because I think I will lose, but because I refuse to play a priest who can’t be killed as easily and because a druid is being a dick making me draw more cards than I can hold unless I was playing the 1 cost hunter minion strat or something like that.

Well, if it’s a skill issue then people can help you. If it’s a will issue then no one can help you. Maybe play something else and come back next expansion.

that means your deck has waaaaay to many bad match ups maybe is time to change it

i usually pick something i dont want to lose to then run something that counters it and other decks
for example i dont want to lose to deathrattle focused decks so i added

its funny how many keep playing as usual without checking this card like a druid who played mechathun +poison seeds and froze for several seconds trying to figure out what went wrong before conceding

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Thanks; I never considered building a deck with that strat.
I’ll have to try that.