Quillboars and BGs

When are they being removed forever? Sick to !@#$ing death of seeing triple digit quillboars x7

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Probably when Battlegrounds dies

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how soon can we expect that, then?

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I love Quillboars… sadly there not even that strong of a warband :frowning: I use to play them all the time whey they were a little over the top and fun. Now, they are on the same level as Naga’s.

Don’t get me wrong, they both can have some really great combos and synergies, but there are other warbands that outpace both of them on a regular basis.

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i smell some hard skill issues in this whine post

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Oh, Never said I was good but for real? People that min/max things should go play something else one they can “nohands” it, you get me? Instead of ruining it for someone else.


What the ever loving !@#$%^ is this !@#$?

https(:)//imgur(.)com/a/ZpsgDXM Remove the (), obviously.

You seem a really noob at BG. This is the Tavern 7 Minion which comes with Thorims Hero Power. I assume you play around 1k MMR, right? These are some basics, and you complain about the basics?! Read the cards, man. BG ain’t rocket science


hes probably trying to provoke BG players …he made antoher thread mentioning how much he hates the mode

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This could not be more wrong.

Quilboars are amazing in the current set.


3500 mmr. Thats the ranking number.

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I wish that were true. Like I said… I love quillboars. they are my favorite but they are not in a good place right now.

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The multitude of triple digit quillboars I’ve seen would say otherwise.

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Im just so happy to see you raging so hard lol


I’m assuming that this has only been since the recent patch?

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I guess? I don’t pay attention to patch notes.

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Geomancer roogug and mangled whatever.

This I believe, I have seen quite a few similar builds win(6k ish) and they all tend to have that t6 Quilboar as a key ingredient with a few hundred or more hit points.

its not yet as annoying as endless beast death rattles.

This x1000 nothing more annoying that yet another Titus goldrinn high rolling to easy 1st

It’s been since the last patch. I was mainly play standard. I love quillboars and now they are back to being fun to play again as they are finally good again.

Pen Flinger sends his regards

sure thing, min/maxer.