Question about pre-order refund

Due to a hardship that came up, I requested a refund through the apple store on my pre-order (Blizzard had advised me to do this). However, I’ve still got all my 85 packs and everything. It’s making me a little nervous.

Questions (if anyone happens to know)
Am I going to get the negative gold thing on my account? Or does it just take time to remove the items?

If I get the negative gold thing, can I just pay them back later and have my account corrected?

Thanks much

Every refund request I have been made aware of, in Hearthstone, has resulted in the gold balance issue. From what I see, they don’t take the time to try to remove the items because, at times, that could entail hours of work on a single refund.

If you do end up with a negative gold balance, it gets slowly paid back as you earn gold in-game.

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How much will they charge?
I assume 100 gold for each pack, but what about the legendary cards and cosmetics?

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Good question, I think that is the main problem. because at the end he would have spent that gold in the new packs anyway, so it is better because he would get the packs faster. But what will happen with anything that isnt a pack? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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To my understanding it’s a looooot of gold. I have about 12k gold and I think this is (something like) 25% of the gold you would need to cover it. It’s not something you want to do if it can be avoided in any way. I’ll be negative gold until 2022 I believe.

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As far as I am aware there are no refunds when purchasing games unless the purchase was fraudulent.

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i had this happen to me as well when refunding something, they did it without warning me and just put me in the negative goldwise i would of never even refunded if i knew they were going to do that seemed kinda malicious to me. Like you are being punished for requesting a refund.

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Do you remember what the exchange rate was? Any idea how much gold they will charge me? I’m soooo bummed lol