Quest for Lunara

Hello, So I distinctly remember having the quest for Lunara back when she was able to be retrieved. Compared this to my Friend who still has the Quest and had progress made.

However when I checked my heroes I havent completed it nor do I have the quest active but I DO remember doing it. Any chance this is a bug? Or is the chance for me to Get Lunara forever gone now?

A few possibilities here…

  1. Restart the game and check your collection again, sometimes that works for missing items.

  2. You misremember completing the quest, (you may have started it, maybe not finished it) and didn’t actually get Lunara. This is possible, but I don’t know if Lunara’s been discontinued yet.

  3. The game bugged out and just didn’t give Lunara to you. I don’t think this is likely though, as it has never happened before and people would make a big deal about it.

Check again to make sure you have her, if you don’t, I’d be very surprised since you remember doing the quest. Did you ever get the pop-up confirming you completed the quest to win ten games and recieved Lunara? Because if you did she would be in your collection.

I remember doing the quest but not getting Lunara.

To me its strange to see that my friend still has the quest active but I dont. Yet I distinctly remember trying to win those games to get her.

But did you specifically get the popup saying you completed the quest and received Lunara? “I remember doing the quest” is not specific enough.