Proof the cards are dealt in wigged way

Anyone that needs their super dupers for their build to win will always get them on the flop.
Roge pirate always gets their fish weapon without fail.
shadow priest always gets their voidtouch attendant without fail on the flop.
Roge with super duper sword that does not lose damage always gets draw weapon card.
I need dragons fury or starpower cards to stop low card boogies where people play endless low cards and buff them constantly. That is 4 cards out of my deck. The AI litteraly will with hold them until you lose most times because they are to devastating to low card boogies and breaks that play style.
That is all for now.

This card is wigged for sure

Epic · Spell · Voyage to the Sunken City · Give a minion +1/+2. If you played a Naga while holding this, add a Serpent Wig to your hand.


It is true/weird that it so often seems like certain classes/decks get their certain things they want/need most of the time whereas if you were to use the exact same deck it wouldn’t be the same for you. Idk if this is simple variance or poor remembering or whether there is something more nefarious going on (I don’t spend money so maybe that’s why my mulligan/draw is worse than people who do, idk)

buy battlepass and you should be good for 1 month or 2

Only premium accounts get this treatment.