Prince Arthas Fight . . . . So Dumb

Every time I get to 2 rounds left no matter what health I have he uses 8 damage freeze spells to win the fight. the last fight he used 3 of them and won the fight. There’s nothing I can do to about it. So as usual there isn’t any skill to this fight other than a perfect draw. Nice fight blizzard, what a complete waste.

I’m on fight 18 right now and every fight ends the exact same way, so I guess I am waiting for the spell that bubbles me for a turn from the minion that gives you 5 random pally spells. So I need to hit the perfect draw along with the perfect RNG spell draw.

Anyone else have any ideas?

UPDATE - F$%^ this, I’m done with this sh#t fight. 25 tries and the same output everytime. Only insane luck will win this fight. Do yourself a favor and dont waste your time with this Book of Hero crap.


I’m surprised you have trouble with him, for me he was the easiest opponent (save for the first 2 auto-win opponents). But he didn’t draw those Freeze Spells you’re talking about, though I probably would’ve been able to tank them (he never got me below 19 health, which is including any damage he was able to dish out with the extra mana/cards he had as replacement of those Freeze Spells, and I allowed him to damage me more than I would’ve at lower health levels).

I beat him first try. Just kept using hero power on ghouls, and building a stronger board for the Frostmourne turns. At the end it was close, but I buffed the taunt lifesteal if you have 3 or more power minion and attacked the face for enough heal at the end.

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Well you all are just lucky then.


rbr1018 gave you good advice. i did it that way on 3rd try (first 2 times lost on last turn) and won

Died once on him, just destroyed him with the hero power.

If you killed him on 1st/2nd/etc try: You got LUCKY! VERY lucky!

Your heropower only counters his ghouls. Which means you have -2 mana each turn.

He on the other hand has FOUR times “deal 5 to hero an freeze him”. And if you ever get lucky enough to be able to buff your one lifesteal minion - he has multiple hard removals like Black Knight.

You will constantly lose life because you play from behind (-2 mana each turn) and he has perfect removal for everything you put up.

Its RETARDED. The only way to win is: Get lucky with your lifesteal+taunt minion (he NOT drawing his removel) and also you need to get lucky that he does NOT draw his “deal 8” in a row.

Total crap fight.


I agree.
This is horribly designed and absolutely no fun at all.

You have to use your hero power just to keep up from the very beginning, which puts you at a mana disadvantage at the same time.
There are too many removals in his deck, obliterate doesnt even hurt him.
The damage to face spell is ridiculous as well.

This needs a patch.


I found it a good challenge. I won after about 3 tries. Use your hero power each time. Stay calm, don’t go in the match expecting to win. Expect to lose and have to play again afterwards so you don’t get too anxious. At some point, you’ll need to get a strong minion on the board with a buff that can kill the extra minions and get a taunt minion up for yourself, too. Keep above 8 health. Keep trying.

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yep bs luck is the only way! I’m on 10 defeats against him and he always wins with a 2nd frostmourne or 3rd ice spell thing that deals 8 dmg to face. So frustrating!


arthas best hero ever and best challanges ever!

Finally defeated him :slight_smile:

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