Pricing is all jacked up in the shop

Today I’m noticing they’re now offering a legendary signature + 5 regular packs for $20 and 2 signature legendary, 5 golden, 5 regular packs for $50. Also, previously offered was a specific signature legendary + 5 regular packs for $50.

Who is coming up with these prices? If you’re offering a sig + 5 packs that 1 sig is $15.

On the 2 sigs + 5 gold + 5 reg the sigs are $14

But on the specific sig that sig costs $45?


Also, as a side note does anyone else only buy hero portraits if they look cool / or look like the class they are?

I could buy all hero portraits, but A) I already spend too much on this game and B) if I’d have that hero portrait as a favorite on rotation, but then if I saw that come up as the hero skin in my collection and I couldn’t immediately identify the hero skin as lock, warrior, etc. to me that’s a lame skin.

Like for example, the murloc paladin that’s on offer right now. How is that murloc representative of pally’s? To me I see murloc hero I think shammy.

For me a pally is warrior of the light, yellow, looks like Arthas or one of the other pally’s from WoW lore.

Activision is probably cracking the whip on the devs to make more money.
If you don’t like it, don’t buy it, and Activision will get the message that people won’t accept those prices.
Blizzard is one of the few companies that care what the playerbase thinks, be nice.

i didnt notice any price increases

BLAME BIDEN I mean he gets blamed for everything else.

Now that Microsoft owns Blizzard it’s probably them pulling the strings.

Yep. This is because they think people might fall for it. Vote with your wallet.

And before Microsoft the prices are so cheap :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: let’s see who else we can blame besides Blizzard. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

As an Activision shill, I say just buy the products and shuddup.

Don’t buy.

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