Predictions on post Balance patch

Both conjuring mage and any hunter are weak against token druid. So will this make token druid the winner in the shift? If so, will zoolock return? Let’s just wait and see.


I have been playing Token mostly in both modes and zoo seems to showing up more and more now than say 2 weeks ago.

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Rogue will find a way. The lackeys provide a ton of power. Shaman is likely to become the new control king if warrior sticks around. Oh and expect kids to start up with the bombs again.


Burgle rogue could sneak right back in.


Hunter has already surpassed Warrior before the nerf. Make no doubt about it, this is going to be a Hunter meta.

Mage gets destroyed by Hunter and the counters to Hunter, so I don’t see Mage rising higher.

The Elysiana nerf will be meaningless since the Rogue nerf pushes Warrior away from control and to the Bomb archetype anyway since it performs better against Hunter.

IDK, theres a whole heap of weapon hate atm, and I’m not convinced that will change post-nerf. Cutlass is pretty crucial to the deck.

Burgle rogue will not work until the burgle mechanic is fixed such that the rogue will always burgle from another nonrogue class.

Further, the reliance on spectral cutlass spells doom for burgle rogue in part due to the prevalence of weapon busters and in part due the normal variance in such an rng heavy deck.

I think of Zoo as white noise. It’s ever present and always something to consider. Sometimes it’s a strident blare sometimes it’s a mere hum. It is however rarely ever interesting.

Watch out for Control Shaman imo. With Shudderwock playing an additional Archivist v Warrior and the ability to beat Mech Hunter fairly easily, while doing decent v Miracle Mage. I have a feeling Shaman is going to rise up.

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BTW I just beat one with Togwaggle Scheme. Thanks for the idea. When I don’t draw Leeroy I Scheme a Lifedrinker, it’s pretty good at sucking the last remaining life points.

Yeah the rogue nerfes will ensure just every 2nd game will be rogue not every single one. It will be still op as Lackeys alone win games.

Hunter and mage seem to benefit i agree. Maybe priest can also find a spot now,lets hope not though.

You’re forgetting about Token Druid, Murloc Shaman and possibly Zoolock if Druid gets popular enough. The thung about Hunters and Mages is that they have mkre the ine good counter, something we didn’t see with Rogue.

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Control Warriors will crash as their farmed rogue pop goes down. Tier 2

Bomb warrior will still be tier 1.

Rogue destroyed to low tier 2.

Zoo rises as they dint like face rogue or warrior. Tier 2

Mage rises a bit as they cant farm warrior but dint like facing rogue. Tier 2

Priest no change Tier 3

Control shaman huge rise as their worst two matchups got rekt. Shudderwock archivist is now the fatigue long game. Tier 1 prediction.

Murloc shaman big rise as they hated rogue and warrior too. Tier 2 almost tier 1.

Midrange Hunter moderate rise. Tier 1.

Secret hunter small drop. Tier 2.

Paladin still garbage. Tier 4.

Shaman new meta overlords. Hunter close behind. Bomb Warrior third.

I’m scared already.

Now it’s kill them before turn 8 (2xFountain + Hagatha) instead of kill them before (Dr.) 7.

That’s the thing though, if Rogue and therefore warrior decline in popularity and we start seeing lots of Mage, Murloc Shaman and perhaps Warlock zoo then folks are going to cut those ooozes and Harrison, they’re terrible cards if you’re not facing weapons.

That’s why I don’t think Rogue is totally screwed, their power level will go down, but they will stop being the main target , so relatively their power loss will be small and a tempo/steal build will be somewhere in tier 2.

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Ah yes. Forgot to mentioned the overwhelmingly interesting token druid archetype. That will remain a viable contender. I don’t think it will become tier 1. It will be like zoo. Not bad but also not stellar.

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I use a rogue deck that only has 1 prep, and relies on Togwaggle shenanigans and shark spirits. It does surprisingly well. Lackeys do some amazing things. I think rogue will still have some place in the meta above priests.

Miracle and thief rogue are actually very strong contenders for rogue decks now that tempo rogue won’t be as popular. Miracle rogue more than thief I think even with the prep nerf. Rogue is far from dead.

My fear is that miracle is now too slow. Rogue has always been weak to board flooding and with tempo no longer an option we should begin to see a resurgence of zoo and murlocs and token.

I’ve tested thief/burgle rogue extensively this season. It’s very unreliable and the mirror class matchup scenario plays like nails on a chalk board. It’s incredibly frustrating to play and play against when it high rolls every once in a while.

I’m going to experiment with magic carpet and lackeys and shark. Maybe that will work.

My predictions:
Plus for control shaman
Plus for miracle mage
Plus for warriors other than control archetype

hunters, zoo, druid, murlocks will stay largely the same.

Can eliminate most of weapon removal tech from the decks and add more synergy cards.