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The same drug tastes gross, I want something else…

oh i forgot about that. I already explained that in a long reply. But i see you havent even bother to read it instead u kept replyign without knowing stuff xD

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Again not my words at all xD dude u literally make yourself look stupid xD

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you explained nothing. You CLAIM it was sarcasm, when it is clear that you were emotionally affected by it.

This is known as paraphrasing. Grab a dictionary.

Thanks psychologist! Really good drug, tastes like water and does nothing!

See you proved that u didnt read it. I wrote it after the sarcasm and why exactly i did it… xD

Talking about illicit substances… Read the CoC. Dont wanna go there, but at least be creative instead of spamming the same sentence.

Ey you are the one who claims he is using my words againts me xD

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Nice troll posts all along. You failed and lost your scheme, surrender and back off, troll!

You first, troll! I back off when you do, not a second before. I have said this many times here.

You really know about your post, don’t hide it, your heart is pounding and you are laughing like hell now right?

You started everything … WTF xD and now u want him to back off like?

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No, the OP, you know the guy I was replying to, started it by creating numerous blatant troll threads in recent times. He wants me to back off? Fine, I will… WHEN HE DOES!

Now, OP, you are welcome to the last word if you want it. But if its a troll post, I will reply again. So make it legit for a change.

He can create as much “troll posts” or whatever posts as he wants.
You started this argument from which you want him to back off…

Actually, no, he cant. The CoC explicitly forbids it.

can you quote the CoC ? Because it looks like you are the CoC expert and following all the rules.
meanwhile you broke like tons of rules replying to me and him.
And who is the person that says what is troll post and what is not?
For some people can be a troll post for some a good post

OK, none of my posts are meant for what you think they meant, I am trying to debate, and debate =/= causing unrest unless you are teaming up with a group of posters who disagrees and hates my content which also violates the CoC, ima sleep now bye. And what specific rule is about trolling, everyone knows the link…

Harassing or Defamatory

Harassment takes many forms, and is not necessarily limited to the type of language used, but the intent. Repeatedly targeting a specific player with harassment can lead to more severe action. The idea behind this is to prevent any one player from consistently being uncomfortable in the forums.

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
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  • Creating posts or threads to discuss disciplinary actions taken against a player, including chat logs and email correspondence between a player and a Game Master (GM)
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Meanwhile you broke all of them together while replyign to us? So whats the difference between you at him?