Please delete Shudderwock + Grumble cards from wild


These two cards allow you to play a shaman deck known for a long time in wild, which repeats all the battle cries in a loop.

The problem is that the opposite player, if he is not aggressive enough, cannot do absolutely anything.

This happens with all decks you tell me.
Yes, but here the problem is the frustration and the loss of time caused by the opposing player. Indeed, the looping repetition animation takes several minutes each turn, during which the opposing player absolutely cannot play since his board is freeze locked in a loop, until fatigue sets in. I tested the simple act of waiting for the end of the game lasts about 50 minutes.

It’s a game design disgrace that must end immediately and forever.
Please permanently delete these cards which purely and simply destroy the game experience in general and only serve to make one out of two players laugh.

Like any joke, the shortest the best.

Good luck, good game.

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Why? Just cuz control decks with no win condition cry when they face it? Lol

The answer is in the text, just read. Lol

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