Play 50 corrupt cards quest not triggering properly

Play 50 corrupt cards quest is not triggering properly someone check if it’s only corrupt cards that have not been corrupted

I am having the same issue… I’ve tried playing corrupted corrupt cards and non corrupted corrupt card… the most I had triggered was about 6 non corrupted card from a deck made specifically for this quest. then in another game no triggers at all.

UPDATE: I did manage to complete it… using non corrupted corrupt cards.

Which makes this really dumb. Here is this neat mechanic (corrupt) which we will punish you for using if you want to complete this quest. What genius came up with this one?

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there is ‘corrupt’ and there is ‘corrupted’. as n’zoth specifically mentions ‘corrupted’ cards and dont add non-corrupted, or ‘corrupt’, cards there is clearly a difference between ‘corrupt’ and ‘corrupted’ and it would then make sense that ‘corrupted’ cards wont trigger a ‘corrupt’ quest.

While true it uses the word ‘corrupt’ rather than ‘corrupted’, it still doesn’t make the quest any less dumb in concept. As I said before it effectively is saying - here is this neat mechanic (corrupt) which we will punish you for using if you want to complete this quest.


Looks like the people at Blizzard realized what a “oops” this quest was: " For example, the quest “Play 50 Corrupt Cards” had a couple of issues making it too hard to complete. Now, Corrupted cards will properly count toward progress of this quest. We’re also reducing the requirement to 30 Corrupt Cards. These changes should make completing the quest much easier." -

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