Pixel 4a Lag gets progressively worst

I just got this a few days ago. After downloading all my old games, I realized I’m getting this weird lag that gets worst the longer the game goes. I have to reset the app after each game. I search a few forums the last few days and have tried all there tips like developer mode settings change, re installing, data vs wifi. All still has issues eventually. My LG G8 had no issues. Confused on what would be the cause.

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Hey, GuiFngr! Just wanted to let you know that this is a known issue with Pixel 4A devices specfically. Our team saw this reported about mid-late last month. It looks like they’re still working on reproducing and checking the compatibility.

I’ll try to update here as we have more information, but just for visibility for our team, I’d recommend to also post this on the #bug-report forums!

Any update on this? it’s terrible. To reproduce it… just play Hearthstone on the Pixel 4a for like 5 minutes.

Not at the moment, wompeter. Our compatibility team has been looking into this more, but I don’t have much more than that. It looks like it may have to do with resolution, but that hasn’t been confirmed yet. Thanks for checking up!

Any updates yet? A month later and still experiencing this.

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Just got my pixel 4a and have the same problems. first game runs fine and afterwards horrible lags. other games run fine
And I mean there are much more intense and challenging games for a device which ofc the pixel 4a is not made for but hearthstone should run fine! I hope you can fix this soon! I loose the interest in playing with these problems…

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