Petition! Let's make Hearthstone a real game!

Look. I printed the Yeti 4/5 wall. All the murlocs. Cards that go without any mechanics. Big cards like KOLOS 7/7. Small cards 1/1. World domination 4/4. I started playing with this deck, WHAT I GOT TO PLAY WITH PLASTIC CARDS!
Everything is working. I play with a plastic deck and am glad that Blizzard released plastic cards.

I added dragons, demons, and elementals a couple of each. First move. I put 1/1 murloc on the table. He’s so small. Murloc plastic card 1/1 is on the table. Murloc is quite happy with the drawn map. Everything is working. You can play!

I have already collected my first plastic card. The simplest deck, this deck has no mechanics at all. We see only the values of the cards on the table. It looks great. Everything is done beautifully graphically. The cards were created and painted by real masters of their craft - artists. Murlocs, elementals, demons and dragons will benefit from being perfect and magnificent on the card table. You can play. The simplest deck plays and you win. Hearthstone’ plastic cards have already shown in the first game that they (plastic cards) can do anything.

I have already memorized all 30 cards that are in the plastic deck. All you need is a partner to play the game. The deck is ready. She can be played. This proves that plastic cards can play in real life. There are no problems here. I had no problem.


Sever, I will be your game partner. I take a plastic 1/3 elemental card from the deck for 1 unit of mana. I put the card on the table. Sever, I see your impudent murloc 1/1.


You just have to change some of the cards in fairly minor ways and it will be fun. Some simple ideas like

Deck of Lunacy: throw your deck into the air, any cards landing face up cost 3 less

Sword of the Fallen: after your hero attacks, if there’s a secret in your deck, don’t tell anyone

Bamboozle: the minion you just attacked is different now, surprise!

Jaraxxus will have to be an outfit you put on with red makeup. And you get to scream INFERNO! while you hurl a 6/6 rock at your opponent every turn.


What are you doing? What is this cheating plastic card? Elemental 1/3? it will destroy my little murloc 1/1. Murloc, we need to save ourselves. I put a murloc on the table for 2 mana. Murloc 1/4 that walks twice and has a dash. I hit the 1/3 elemental 2 times with the 1/4 murloc. Do killing blow with 1/1 murloc. Elemental 1/3 and murloc 1/1 are killed. I still control the table friend)


Skeezzi, YOU are right as always! These are plastic cards that do not differ from other cards. You can do and come up with anything you want and how you want. We will wait for the world championship on plastic cards Hearthstone.


Skizzie, of course, can also use objects in the plastic Hearthstone. You shout to the whole room - INFERNO and take out a real ax from under the Hearthstone playing card table.

A real ax for the warrior class. Ax with two moves 5/5. you hit the table with a real ax and cut the enemy card.


Skizzie, I remembered a MYTH about the POKER game. In this game, there are combinations of 3 cards - 666. Legend has it that the devil himself created the game of poker. Devil’s game. I would never play poker. You will have bad karma. You cannot play with cards made by SOTANA himself. It is dangerous for your health)) Devil cards that have killed a lot of people.

Poker in reality sent a huge number of people to the next world. How many people were killed by poker 1000 or 10,000, but in fact, when you think that so many people died from playing cards, it becomes sad. Poker is truly a game with the DEVIL. Sad and funny at the same time!


I knew when I flipped three 6’s as the spread in a game of Texas Hold’em I was in trouble! :smile:

Fun facts: Did you know that 2/3rds is roughly equivalent to 0.66666666666666?




It was created or invented by people. Through Google you can find poker and the combination of numbers 666, that this combination of cards brought troubles and hardships to many people, I agree that these are myths and legends that have grown inside the game.
There is probably some grain of truth. Devilry happens to people, there is something more than human representation or human perception. Mystic.
I love a story about poker. This problem happened in real life.
There was a player who had bad luck at poker. He lost everything. Lost a fortune that he inherited. I completely lost everything. He really wanted to win back and was ready to go to any deal. At least with the devil himself, to win back the lost fortune of his family and punish his card enemies.
One day an old woman came to him. The woman was blind. Her face was practically invisible because of the hood of the one she was wearing. The woman offered to conclude an agreement with her “On Blood”, that the poker player will win for a certain time, but in return he will have to give his soul and life to the dark side.
The player was surprised at this offer, but agreed to these conditions, offered by the blind woman, and signed the contract with his own blood.
Some time passed and everything changed. The player who lost a fortune and owed a lot of money began to win. Win all the time. After some time, he won back the fortune that he inherited. He punished those people to whom he owed a lot of money.
He won victory after victory.
The player could not believe his incredible luck. He also forgot about the blind woman with whom he signed the “On Blood” contract. He became rich and cheerful again. The feeling of life returned to him. Many friends have appeared. He married and a child was born to him, but this apron and happiness in life did not last long.
One day, the old blind woman reappeared and handed the contract to the poker player that it was time to pay the bills. After that, this person disappeared. They could not find him and no one else saw him …
Just a story, with a meaningful meaning!
But this story, there is a continuation that sometimes, where people who play poker see this blind woman. It does not bring good luck and disaster. You will lose. Two players even wanted to find and catch her, but they also disappeared and no one knows what happened to them …
Possibly this woman used to work at Blizzard during the development of Hearthstone)) I understood.I understood. This one was, Jaina) on a cheat deck of a magician)
myths and legends … about poker)


stupid nonsense, many unfeasible effects …

And TCG haerthstone real cards exist it is OLD CLOSED fail… :kissing_heart:


Do you know this?
wiki: World of Warcraft Trading Card Game


You did not understand this topic. My proposal is institutional in nature. Make Hearthstone a true World Cup board game to keep the tournament system fun to watch.


Hearthstone current tournament system looks uninteresting. There is no novelty in the system of tournaments and tournaments do not cause any impressions or positive emotions because it looks like a “DEAD FISH”, in order to be interesting to watch Hearthstone it must be transferred to the category of a real real game.


They show some pimply schoolchildren who pick their noses and wipe their snot on the table and sit in memorable clothes, and sometimes a hole is visible on T-shirts. It looks disgusting, the champions and tournaments in Hearthstone should not look like this. It’s just that no one will be watching. Because it looks like trash.


Skizzie, I’I understood the whole point! - battle - fly !!

Opponents take 3 decks:

  1. Guldan;
  2. Priest;
  3. Warrior.

This is important as these 3 decks are relevant and the strongest in STANDARD mode!

I took:

  1. Warrior;
  2. Hunter;
  3. Paladin.

Hunter and Paladin are weaker decks against 1. Guldan and 2. Priest.

What happened at the 1st tournament:

1 game I choose a hunter. Opponent takes a warrior. My beloved woman Blizzard gives me a hand of gold. You will win 100 percent by the 5th move. The hunter wins 1 game.

2 game I play on a paladin. The opponent is at war. The paladin wins the warrior. I won 2 times. Everything worked out.

At this time, my opponent goes to the administrator and writes him a complaint that in 1 game he lost. He made the mistake of confusing the choice of playable classes.

Administrator!!! HERE I DON’T UNDERSTAND !!! He tells me that I should have taken not a paladin, but again a hunter, that in game 2 I also had to play as a hunter due to the fact that my opponent in the first game did not choose the right class.

I tell the administrator that there was a fair victory in game 1 with great hunter cards. The administrator tells me that: “He believes my opponent.”

I realized just today what happened. Strength 3 my opponent’s deck:

  1. Guldan;
  2. Priest;
  3. Warrior. These decks are stronger than mine.

Hunter; Paladin; Warrior. Whiter, weaker than Guldan, priest, warrior!

I was kicked out of 1 tournament as meat, that my decks are weaker. I agree here. I am not a tournament organizer. I said that: “The organizer of the tournament orders the music and the girl!”

The tournament organizer awarded the victory to my opponent, because he considered that his deck was better than mine, and HERE, PROBABLY, I AGREE with the tournament organizer. It’s fair!

Skizzi, I don’t understand English more deeply.

  1. The organizer makes a decision. This is his tournament;
  2. Today I just guessed. Logics. My mind)) That Guldan, priest, warrior is the top of the tournament. My decks hunter, paladin, warrior are a bunch of dogs. It’s not that important, though. Tournament details !!

Skizzie, but I won twice with weaker decks. This is victory!!! MY VICTORY !!!

That’s why I was not much surprised. I won twice, and mean people decided to cheat me. I laughed afterwards. Although, if you have passed 1 circle. You can also lose on the 2nd circle or on the 3rd circle. The whole tournament process turned out to be difficult))

I went to the next tournament and lost there in the first round
1-2. Which just proves my theory that 1. Guldan; 2. Priest; 3. Warrior is the top STANDARD deck!

In the first tournament I was lucky I won, but I was kicked out)) In the second tournament I lost to these decks.

Justice is somewhere in the middle))

The only thing I didn’t like was that the organizer thought that I was probably stupid and didn’t understand anything. I immediately understood everything. The organizer could directly say: that Guldan, Priest, Warrior are the most powerful decks. Get out of here so I don’t see you again. They came up with a deception. The opponent is mistaken in his choice of decks. I’m not stupid and I understand everything perfectly! I won’t go to complain to my mother that life is not fair))

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I think it’s very easy to get confused even when you speak the same language. I was a little confused about the rules, but if there’s any way I can help you to understand what someone else is trying to say, please let me know. It is no fun to lose just because the rules are confusing.


Skizzie, what is victory at Hearthstone?
When does your opponent surrender?
The enemy surrendered and lost 2 times!
What does it mean?
That I won 2 times!
I don’t like it when people start to fool me. Empty chatter. Invented on the go.
Organizer: What happened?
Opponent: I mixed up my deck choices and lost.
Organizer: I believe you. You made a mistake with the choice of decks, and the person who won you can go)))))Are you serious? is this how it should work? Oh really. Did I miss something?)))
Skizzie, this is cheating. Some kind of joke?

The only thing I didn’t swear was that the tournament itself was left to those who did it. Who organized the tournament is right!

Why did the organizer immediately believe my opponent? They didn’t even listen to me that I was to blame for something? Am I to blame for destroying his cockpit twice?

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I watched some of your streams during the first tournament, but I only saw a small fraction of what happened when your opponent announced that you were using the wrong deck. I don’t know why you were disqualified, but if you tell me exactly what they said, I can better understand what happened.


1 game 1 match. I choose the hunter, the enemy chooses the warrior. I have a golden hand of cards for the 5th move I won. Top deal cards in hand.
I need to change the deck to paladin in game 2.
I take a great deal of cards. All the cards came, I win.

The administrator comes and writes in the chat that I had to play the second time as a hunter.

I answer the administrator: THAT I won once as a hunter and took a paladin for the second game. These are the rules. You win and you change the deck.

Administrator: Answers me. That the enemy did not want to play a warrior in 1 game. He was wrong in his choice.

Administrator: The enemy made a mistake in choosing a deck in 1 game. Now you have to choose the second hunter and play again.

I answer, I won 1 game as a hunter. According to the rules, I change the deck to the paladin.

The administrator freaked out and awarded the victory to my opponent. Saying nothing. Yes they all go, Skizzi))

Skeezy, I’m not stupid.
You must change the deck when you win.
I won 1 game as a hunter.
I played the 2nd game as a paladin and also won.

What else was needed?

I began to argue with the administrator. Apparently he considers himself God and awarded the victory to the enemy. He went to the dog’s mother!

Skizzie, I’m RUSSIAN. That says it all. Russians are not very fond of)) sanctions on Russia. I know why I lost and for this reason too)) I don’t care. Most importantly, Skizzie, you and I are friends!

Many do not like Russia and Russians and are afraid of them. Perhaps the administrator was one of those who do not like Russians!

This topic is closed and uninteresting. I have to go to work and solve issues and a bunch of cases. Until!

I arrived at work and ran into the CEO in the hallway. An elderly man and very intelligent. He asked, “Why did I come to work on Saturday?” I replied: “I need to complete the presentation of the product.” The CEO said that: “The presentation was completed today at his request and said that I will receive an award or a bonus for participating in the project.” I was glad that I didn’t have to work and I would receive a bonus or bonus without working)). I didn’t want to work on Saturday)) I was lucky))

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