Petition! Let's make Hearthstone a real game!

It is immediately clear that you do not understand this issue. A true master. I think there is a proverb or expression: “If you want, you can fly into space.”

  1. What needs to be done at the very beginning. Plastic cards that will play 100 percent. Conduct tests. Go through 100 options. Make top-notch decks;
  2. Go to the second phase. When the plastic decks are ready, which will definitely play 100 percent. Transfer the system to real tournaments. Plastic cards in the Hearthstone tournament system;
  3. Blizzard can do it. First, as a fan version of plastic cards. Make a couple of thousand trial decks in Blizzard branded packaging. Sell ​​plastic cards. Make a profit.
    Secondly, I’m sure 1000 players would buy a stack of plastic cards to play in Hearthstone from Blizzard. Blizzard’s living profits go to waste.
  4. I’m sure everything will work out. I’d buy a couple of Blizzard plastic decks myself for fun! Plastic decks can be sent by mail. Already paid at Blizzard store.

A pack of Hearthstone plastic cards with 2-3 decks. With graphic images, for example, with tints and tints of colors on the cards. For $ 50, 1 pack of cards! Nicely designed and made. Of course, such excellent plastic cards will be bought!

Start with a fun fan variant of plastic cards to make it a fun event. For the purchase of a plastic pack of cards, players add 10 boxes of 10 boosters to the real game. You can come up with this noble idea in different ways.


I think a Sealed Draft format would be a lot of fun to watch. All players build 3 decks from the same pool of say 60 packs. They have 60 minutes. Would be a lot of fun to see what direction each player went given the same random pool of cards to pick from. And how it performed against the others.


Yes you are right. There are many options. Diversity is always the path to progress. You could make real cards with a dealer and a deal machine - that would be fun)


I ready


I like your idea. I like your idea. Let’s hope that in the near future Blizzard will release plastic cards. I’m all waiting for plastic cards!


Will the real cards be censored?


The problem is that hearthstone is not really a card game.

Actually it is a gacha game in disguise of a card game. there is no point of making gacha game real. it is too much hassle also most of the hearthstone mechanics are not possible to integrate into real card game.

Like how are you going to buff your minions? in real game?
There are mechanics like discover how the hell you will integrate it to real game?
there are cards like bamboozle and evolve how are you going to decide what will be the evolved cards lol.

Lets say that you removed all those mechanics there will be nothing left about hearthstone.


Is this like an AR table or what? A physical hearthstone would never work. There’s too many random effectsband discover mechanics for it to ever work with a physical game. The digital aspect is what makes it pure randomness. You’re never going to get tht from a physical version so i think it would need to be in AR or VR format.


only way for them get it to be a real game is if cut RNG 100% out of the game same with Removing outside card generation and rework how Toxic meta can get right be for a year changes

a lot more needed be done not every game can be as balance as Yugioh or magic the gathering

Edit:do love your idea


You’re in luck, they’ve already done it! It’s called the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game and you can buy physical cards for it and play it.


Guys, thank you all for your comments. It is very interesting to see the opinion of experts.

You did not understand me completely and irrevocably.

  1. Today Hearthstone as a kki game is very popular and keeps a high level;
  2. Maps can always be made. Who thought there would be a World Poker Championship in the 19th century or early 20th century? But it turned out and we all know the way of cards - POKER!
  3. On the popularity of Hearthstone, you can manage to make real cards. Real Hearthstone cards will always remain real cards.
  4. Real physical cards Hearthstone will make forever a game.
  5. We will take the 19th century. Chess was not as popular and widespread as it was in the 21st century. There was a $ 1 million chess crown with diamonds in the 19th century. The chess crown was passed to a champion or intellectual. Anyone could win the chess crown with their intellect. By and large, few people knew about her and had an idea. Plus, the champion received $ 1 million. In the 19th century, $ 1 million is like all $ 20 million today.
  6. Poker in the 19th century was not a massive game in the world. Poker was played by bandits or hard workers from factories, pubs and pubs. The whole point of poker was to lose quickly. The bandits took all the money out of you through sprinkled cards. Workers from factories played poker in pubs or bars to drink more beer. Poker was a conditional game and did not pretend to be world-wide.
  7. Hearthstone CANNOT become a real world game until the real cards are released. cards that can be held in hand and, accordingly, these cards will be playable. It will be a similar path for Hearthstone to chess and poker.
  8. Hearthstone, when the cards are done in paper form and the intellectuals will gather at regional tournaments and the world championship. We need a grand prize. Similar, for example, to chess, the prize is $ 1 million with a pack of cards made of gold. There is one huge diamond on the box of cards, so that this event will dazzle everyone with its scope.
    A gold box with gold cards and a diamond on the box, for example, is given to the next Champion of Hearthstone. The path of tradition.
    It is a huge expense for Blizzard to make real gold cards and gold with 1 diamond, and so the old champion will transfer the real gold pack of cards to the new champion, etc.

The plastic version of the cards will eventually make Hearthstone a real WORLD game like poker or chess. We must strive for this.


I know all the world chess champions.

  1. Wilhelm STEINITZ.
  2. Emmanuel LASKER.
  3. Jose Raul CAPABLANCA.
  4. Alexander ALEKHIN.
  5. Max AVE.
  6. Mikhail BOTVINNIK.
  7. Vasily SMISLOV.
  8. Mikhail TAL.
  9. Tigran PETROSYAN.
  10. Boris SPASSKY.
  11. Robert FISHER. Robert Fisher, this is a legend. What battles he had with Boris Spassky. Robert and Boris simply destroyed each other in chess. Two Great Chess Masters. Fischer and Spassky, probably Spassky and Fischer were friends and enemies at the same time. Fischer himself, as a person, was an outstanding personality, which still causes a lot of laughter in some stories about Fischer) He died (2007) not so long ago. Fisher, we will remember you as we will Steve Jobs. May the earth rest in peace to you. Everlasting memory.
  12. Anatoly KARPOV. - You can find it on the Internet. Participates in chess touring games. He is alive and well. He did not die and still appears in chess tournaments. I thought he died of age. Healthy and alive, Karpov. Anatoly Karpov is of a venerable age and still wins everyone. Big and clear player)
  13. Harry KASPAROV. - You can find it on the Internet. Participates in chess touring games.
  14. Vladimir KRAMNIK. - You can find it on the Internet. Participates in chess touring games.
  15. Viswanathan ANAND. - You can find it on the Internet. Participates in chess touring games.
  16. Magnus KARLSEN is the reigning world chess champion.
    All these chess players received $ 1 million and a diamond chess crown.
    This requires study. I am interested in chess. It is interesting to watch chess and study what moves the future world champions made. These people deservedly received $ 1 million. Their brains are faster than any super computer in the world.

Robert Fischer also knew how to create a high-quality image in chess. Making hype out of emptiness, he had many talents. I am sure and think that the American and the Russian were the best friends in the life they have already lived. Undoubtedly Spassky and Fischer were CORESH. Friends. Comrades. Champions and we have seen this world in any way. Boris Spassky was once asked by journalists what he was talking to Robert Fischer during a match? Boris Spassky did not answer, probably thought that there would be no comments about his sidekick Robert Fischer. Here we can only assume that Robert Fischer said to Boris Spassky during the match, Bobby was a cheerful man with an amazing sense of humor, what could he say to Spassky during the match? Remains a mystery, but we can assume that Boby Fisher said, "Boris, I know a great store on 5th Avenue in New York. I don’t like your old coat you are wearing. I’ll buy you a new coat at a store on 5th Avenue. Boby Fischer, could have invited Boris Spassky, in a joking manner and to the bar. Boby Fischer: "Boris, I know a great bar, let me salt this match for you. Let’s go to the bar. Let’s drink 50 grams. Let’s get acquainted with beautiful women. Let’s continue our cultural event and eat everyone to dance. Boris, what do you think? Spassky, at this moment apparently smiled or laughed, but the idea, Bobi, he liked …


So are you just gonna keep rambling on about chess and the production of plasic cards or are you going to actually address the point thats been made multiple times now.


the MECHANICS dont work in real life


I’m sure Blizzard will release plastic cards for the game - Hearthstone. Hearthstone will eventually become a massive game of both chess and poker. What do you dislike about this idea? Explain the essence? Hearthstone is a card game, which means that you can conduct any tournaments and actions with cards. I don’t see any problems and obstacles. Everything can be done and recycled. FRIEND IS CARDS!


We’ll take the card game poker. In the 19th century, poker is a game from the criminal world. Bandits, thieves, robbers played among themselves and killed each other because of card money and card debts. Poker was also famous among SCAMS or FRAUDERS through this game they robbed people and stripped them to the nakedness, taking everything from a person. Cheaters and swindlers in the 19th century could not imagine that poker would become a world game and bandits would also be surprised? How did it come about? Our crime game has become so famous! Anything can be, my friend!

Poker has come a long way from bloody and criminal money to the public. In the end, society liked this crime game)

Poker is sometimes also called the noble game. Why is poker called a noble game? because she came from the underworld). The criminal world. Good luck gentlemen. Of course, these are just empty sounds. Most of the gentlemen of fortune were killed or ended their lives badly. Not everyone was lucky.


There you go again rambling about irrelevant garbage while completely ignoring the fact that hearthstones GAME MECHANICS can not work in a physical setting


Why are you trying to defile me right away?
I will explain how Hearthstone will work when the plastic cards are issued.

  1. Will make a separate card tournament for plastic cards;
  2. A huge number of cards will be used for plastic cards in the card tournament;
  3. Cards that deal damage. These cards will be minus;
  4. Maps that add health units. These cards will be plus;
  5. For example, you put a plastic card on the table and you can take one more or 2 cards from the deck, depending on the conditions that are written on the plastic card;
  6. There will be plastic cards that will destroy other cards;
  7. There will also be cards that will change the values ​​of other cards. The values ​​of the change in conditions will be written on this plastic card.
    I can write another 50 points about what the Hearthstone plastic cards tournament will be like.
    The most important plastic cards event will be the Hearthstone World Championship.

Philosophy rules this world. Dogma rules this world. We had a great discussion. You can write here as you see Hearthstone plastic cards. Discussion is the engine of progress.


Tell you what homie, go cut and print out a few physical Hearthstone cards as a proof of concept and try to run a few games, tell us how it goes. :+1:t3:

That will clear all this up in a big hurry, or who knows, maybe you’ll even discover a way to have a fun exhibition match or something.

It is just short of impossible to replicate various tournament-level Hearthstone RNG computer mechanics in realtime in an effective way on physical decks, but maybe you can have a fun subset of the cards that doesn’t suffer this problem.