Petition! Let's make Hearthstone a real game!

Everything is correct!

  1. Big Daddy is the Heartnston account on the phone;
  2. North Wind is an account that was fanned for taking the legend in 2018. It was a dispute that I would take a legend without donations, relying on in-game gold. I took a legend on the US server in 2018 without donation and won the argument!
  3. Clan Grommash is a European account. I don’t need it now and I don’t use it.

Legend of 2018. I won the argument and took the legend on the American server! then I quit playing and came back in 2021 on January 14th. Not so long ago!


I agree, this is a much better post @BigDaddy than usual, though I admit mine haven’t been all that great either…

He’s right BigDaddy, keep it up!

Though I’m still not sure if Hearthstone could be made into a table-top CCG. However, it is neat that your brainstorming the idea. :bulb:


Nickname 2018 Russian Vasya. I will change it to the North Wind in 2021 after 3 years. It is generally a matter of chance that I returned to Hearthstone. The old phone was lying for a long time. I charged it and turned it on. I went online and saw a huge number of Blizzard letters in the mail. I remembered playing in Hearthstone in 2018, I thought the account was no longer working. I went in. The account is working))


Poison ivy has gone somewhere! Friend, they don’t know the whole background. I was the best speaker and topic creator in the European forum, and then it so happened that I switched to the American forum. This is the further path of development. I see no reason to return to the European forum. I no longer have any associations with the European forum)) Everyone at the European forum loved me very much. Was a favorite))

Envoys of the European Forum have come to Poison Ivy more than once. You are not the first one for sure. We wrote letters to me at the post office. I cannot go back to the European forum. I have already settled down here. There was no need for my topics, topics are some of the best on the European forum to throw flags)) The flags will be destroyed))


Some are irritated with you for your multiple accounts. I had block you and your aliases before… But, I do believe you should have a chance to redeem yourself. I’ll give you a chance… Just don’t do the wild posts and you’ll be golden.


Friend back to the topic of plastic cards that Blizzard can issue. I don’t see any problem with that. In the USA, there are excellent printing houses. They can print any cards and any format, and even more so on plastic. Blizzard with plastic cards from sales would make a profit and everyone was happy. Possibly in the future, there will still be a release of plastic playing cards in proprietary packaging from Blizzard. It’s quite real. I don’t make bad or wild posts. Stupid jokes sometimes happen))


It would be very hard to get free cards, no store would do that.


Let’s say a pack of cards will cost $ 50 in a Blizzard branded cover. A plastic pack of cards for $ 50!


Friend, what other suggestions will there be?


:thinking: Fair enough… Just be aware…


A friend of mine! I have never insulted you. Moreover, I will say that I have not insulted more than one person in the American or European forum. This was not the case!


Agreed. I’m just basing it on our old posts that we had earlier in the year, and some posts I read about it. Was just letting you know so that you can have a chance to show others on the forum that you can be more serious in your posts. That’s all. I’m mainly apologizing for calling you an incessant troll… And our old posts we made several months back.


Yes, friend, time goes by, old posts are erased by time. A couple of months ago, I could spitefully pry over you or write a joke that you were offended by. Everything went and worked out. Now only forward to victories and our cards!


Blizzard will make Hearthstone plastic cards. I would buy 1-2 such packs. It would be fun)) Would you buy plastic cards?


I wouldn’t spend my money on plastic cards…
The main reason being that I’m really reaching my breaking point with plastic in general. I’m big into reading Science Articles, and as such I have said for several years now to the people that know me… That the advent with the increase for the use of plastics is, more than likely, the most correlated cause of many ailments that afflict our society… From Diabetes to Hormonal Imbalances that afflict young developing girls, Ovarian Cancer and many others.

In the last few years my agreement with the dangers from plastics has taken an epic turn towards the confirmed with the latest research showing that plastic leads to high levels of “Microplastics” contaminating all areas of the environment. Therefore, making plastic waste all the more toxic for all walks of life. Take note… The plastic that is used for bottling water contaminates the water… Where as the chemicals used to make the bottle can leech into the water if heated(sitting in direct sunlight for ex.), Microplastic builds up in the water from its plastic container.

Short answer… I hate plastic.


i dont even read, cant we just ignore this guy ?


The Random element in heartstone makes the game impossible to do in real life. So that should be the end of this topic.


I’m trying to give the guy a chance… I’m still undecided about this though.

I totally agree… I’m going to consider the topic closed… At least on my part anyway.


As someone who has been programming for 30 years and playing CCG’s for 27, let me explain why you can’t do this:

The RNG effects you take for granted in Hearthstone, computed automatically and quickly by the application, are almost universally cripplingly prohibitive to pull off in realtime with real cards. Some are genuinely impossible to duplicate without giving away certain kinds of information, or else requiring a human judge to be present at all times to simulate the computer.

Imagine doing a fair Deck of Lunacy replacement on a physical deck. To replicate the way Hearthstone does it now, you’d have to keep an actual physical deck containing copies of every spell in the game, which you shuffle, draw a single card from, and then reconstruct (as DoL can hit multiples) for every single card in that process. How do you do that under real time constraints in a physical setting?

You also need decks like this for any Discover interaction. In fact, you’d need 1 specialized deck per kind of Discover interaction just standing by for every match. Imagine trying to play Elysiana or Journey to Un’Goro this way.

Finally, there’s simply no way to handle effects like Cloning Device (Discover a copy of a minion in your opponent’s deck) without giving your opponent free information about, at bare minimum, the number of minions in your opponent’s deck that they don’t get in Hearthstone as it stands right now. You could possibly simulate the process by having a neutral judge do it every single time, but again, physically prohibitive under real physical card-match constraints.

There are undoubtedly a whole host more RNG interactions others can probably come up with as well to illustrate why this can’t be done. Hearthstone’s playstyle is fundamentally tied to the idea that there is a computer on the backend always computing the RNG effects for you. You just can’t do it with physical cards.

Try scribbling up a few Hearthstone decks in person and then trying to “be the computer”, if you will, handling all the RNG yourself if you don’t believe me.