Petition! Let's make Hearthstone a real game!

Hi, all!

My conceptual idea. We need to hold more serious Hearthstone tournaments and I will explain why?

  1. Chess. We all know how the world chess tournaments and the world chess championship are held. This is a spectacular event when a lot of people gather and it is interesting to watch it. Many good impressions remain. It looks spectacular. Handsomely. Intense struggle between two people. It is breathtaking. Beautiful chess board. Chess pieces that are made of wood, jade or very fine chess pieces that are made of tusks.
  2. Poker. I won’t go into details. Poker tournaments are held in the world. The poker world championship looks the same, as amazing as the world chess championship.

Hearthstone shows us two parts of the cropped screen, on which there should be 2 players. One of the players may not be there. It looks ridiculous, and when random is added, it looks like a crazy house. I watched the tournament for 10 minutes and then turned it off. It looks ridiculous and depressing. This is not even interesting to watch. A huge amount of negative reviews. There are many rumors and gossip that Blizzard influences the games, that Blizzard for one or another player does a pool of cards in his hand. That in Hearthstone tournaments, there is a “DIRTY GAME” and much more, and so on.

Run real Hearthstone tournaments in real time with real people and real cards.
How to run tournaments:

  1. Collect Hearthstone players in the great hall.
  2. Make real tables for playing cards.
  3. Issue cards on thin plastic with premium graphics.
  4. This event should be held in a festive atmosphere.
  5. Broadcast such tournaments live on YouTube or Twitch. The Hearthstone World Championship will cause a stir, not a drop in views on YouTube or Twitch.
  6. This will be a new step in the development of Hearthstone.
  7. People will have a completely different perception. Spectacular and interesting. Unpredictable and beautiful.
  8. There will be more confidence in Hearthstone game itself. That Blizzard does not affect the game and the game is fair.

Big hall. Good lighting. Two players sit down at the table. Two decks of 30 cards. 2 croupiers. The 2 croupiers shuffle the cards with their hands and deal the cards. Such a game in the real format would look completely different. More solid and interesting.

Friends and colleagues, if you have any ideas and suggestions, please write in the comments!

Support the petition!


I think the costs would be quite high and i doubt Blizzard wants to spend every year in those plastic cards … not to mention, it wouldn’t be like Hearsthone for better or worse.


It is not decent to count other people’s money. All the same. Blizzard spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a year at Hearthstone. What could be the problem?

  1. In the USA, there are very large and huge printing houses that produce high quality products. It will not be difficult for them to print 1,000 or a million plastic cards. Blizzard will be able to receive additional income from the sale of plastic cards in Blizzard’s branded packaging.
  2. We must always start somewhere. Host regional Hearthstone tournaments and World Championships first. I don’t think it will cost much. Rental of premises or office Blizzard, which can be used for a real tournament.
  3. Computers and equipment are not needed here. You need regular tables or special tables for playing Hearthstone cards.
  4. Lighting. The room must be large in order to create a studio effect. I think Blizzard has such premises for office use.
  5. What have we come to. We need a studio. Tables. Chairs. Lighting. A couple of cameras for streaming to YouTube. 2 croupiers. Blizzard can find two guys or two girls who will play the role of the stickman at the Hearthstone World Championship.

At the very beginning, hold regional tournaments and the world championship. It would have attracted a much larger audience, people with a huge interest in the real game. A real Heartnston card game. I would love to see how real cards are played. Masters of their craft. Here you will really worry and root for a certain team or person and everything will be for real.

I don’t see any big costs here. The most expensive thing is to print cards on a plastic medium in a printing house. yet again. Blizzards can profit from plastic cards by selling them in branded packaging - Blizzard.


Cool idea but what about the discover effects, the deathrattle effects, health points of minions changing after attacks, changing the mana cost of cards and so on? How would they manage to register and display all those effects and changes without digitalization?


All this is not as difficult to do as it seems. Blizzard We were once told that they would make a separate tournament mode in Hearthstone, but made the “old” new classic mode # 3. It was better to rework the tournament system and finally make a separate tournament mode in 7 years. Make a separate tournament mode.

Cards are just numbers. Any effects can be translated into the desired numbers. Everything fits perfectly on elastic plastic cards and numbers and all effects. There is no difficulty in this.

To date, the passing tournaments are not interesting to watch. Tournaments look very boring or more boring. Hearthstone tournaments are not fun to watch. Maybe because I devoted some time to tournaments, or I am as a separate case that cannot be taken into account.

I watch chess tournaments sometimes. I liked the new world chess champion Magnus Carlsen from Norway. Magnus, how he plays chess is fantastic and in general it is interesting to study the history of chess. Bobi Fischer, Kramnik, Kasparov, Karpova, Capablanca, Lasker, Steinitz - these are all world chess champions. It is interesting to see their games, which they played in the 20th century, and some of them in the 19th century. It’s fun and cool.

Hearthstone also needs to be in true format. Not in a computer or in an iron box. The cards must be real and people must hold the cards in their hands and play them. This is a more serious and deliberate format for playing and games. More interesting and advanced. When the cards are dealt by the dealer or the machine, and the player takes the cards with his hands, the real game begins. That would be really interesting.


Just no , terrible idea …


My idea is extremely innovative. Another look. Another vision of the process. Innovation.

The tournament took place yesterday. What do we see in the tournament? These are exactly the same for almost all decks. Take the mage spell. Take aggro, valira, horn. Take the secret paladin. What did people write in chats that they watched? That the game resembles … here we will take the conditional term … Heartnston resembles a “the dog made a bunch.”

Yesterday’s tournament showed that the process has NO ENTERTAINMENT. It’s totally uninteresting to watch. Many, having watched for a while, simply turned off the tournament. Not everyone can watch the tournament for more than 15 minutes. It does not cause anybody’s interest, which means that it was done wrong. We need the right tournament format to make it tasteful and interesting.

Blizzard makes these tournaments for whom? FOR PEOPLE FOR PEOPLE TO SEE THEM, but what’s going on? PEOPLE WATCH AND START FROM THE SEEN SPIT! Which means that the format is made wrong and uninteresting, if it is done poorly and poorly, what should be done? answer: CHANGE FORMAT TO NEW!

We take some part of the opinions of people that I specifically saw yesterday, what I saw, I wrote. I am a skeptic and I will not sing BLIZZARD’s praises)

Blizzard chose the wrong path. By bribing people. This is an absolutely stupid solution that only triggers NEGATIVE. What do they say? Blizzard bribes people with boxes of 5 cards or more correctly with boosters. Bribe people to watch tournaments. The person receives boosters so that the person can watch the tournament for 5 hours. This is very primitive and stupid. Disgusting.

Who invented this in Blizzard? Bribe people. This immediately creates a NEGATIVE in a certain part of people. Negative opinions appear. This is striking in its stupidity and stupidity. So promote the product. Is a mockery.

Blizzards are not even shy, they force people. You must register. Here and there. Show your documents. You receive a bribe. The bribe should look like an official gift from Blizzard. You will watch the tournament for 5 hours. After passing 3-4 registrations. Causes laughter. This is ridiculous. They mock us so much))


If there were real cards, Warlocks could set their opponents’ deck on fire for real. Entertainment!
Players could also do the voice lines themselves, like shouting Hey Loser! 20 or more times each match when playing Pen Flinger


Skizzie, you’re right. You take out a flamethrower and burn everything around you. Complete destruction. In reality, it would look cool. You take an ax out of the chair you are sitting on and inflict 5 damage to the opponent’s face. Real Hearthstone bro) Today the tournament Hearthstone looks more like a compote or jam. We all know that sweets are bad for your health)


Skizzie, are you on the US server? Write your battle tag. I wanted to make a business for 3000 experience, but the business campaign will not work))


We need a new tournament system. The old tournament system is outdated long ago and needs to be revised.


Extremely innovative ? :rofl: yea right … just no , terrible idea and already thought about by 100000 other peoples before you , years ago .


You can laugh and it’s really fun)). This is just an idea. It is not advisory in nature. We’re talking about the format of the Hearthstone tournaments themselves. Any other idea might be better than mine and that will be great. The world does not stand in place and requires renewal. Many people say that the tournament system looks outdated and needs updating. Many people think that something is missing or it does not work well or looks bad in the Hearthstone tournaments themselves.

This requires a change in the format itself or the range of perception. Do it differently. It is more interesting and fun to make people take their breath away. It was interesting for everyone to watch and worry about their heroes.

At the moment we see two halves of the screen on which the cards are discarded. Sometimes there are no players’ faces, but some kind of cat face or a T-shirt with an emblem. I think that’s why the audience is losing interest in this format.

I think that, like in other sports, the PRESENCE of the athletes themselves in competitions is required. This is important for visual perception. When a person plays a part, he utters some phrases or words that give at least some orientation to the party. We need to show the athletes themselves and what they are doing. People since ancient Rome want “bread and circuses”. Looking at a blank screen, which is divided into two parts, does not arouse anyone’s interest. The cards themselves matter only in the hands of a particular person.

Show a screen that is divided into two parts and cards are poured onto the table as if from a bucket simply will not cause excitement or interest among people. Monotony has a detrimental effect on the human psyche. It just won’t be watched. The cards themselves have meaning in the hands of a particular person.


Some of the digital aspects of the game would not carry-over to physical cards well. Tokens would be copiously needed, and the amount would make the game played on a table an absolute mess.

Hence, why it is called an Esport.


Blizzard successfully made a “classic mode at number 3”, what prevents to make a separate tournament mode? Digital can’t be physical? This is absolutely not the case. First, there is a mechanical action, which flows into a physical one and only then a digital one.

These are all conventions that fill people’s heads. Esports is just a combination of letters in a word that can turn into sounds. The card format itself is not locked into a digital instrument. The format of the cards can be physical.

Hearthstone cards, what’s so amazing about them and DIRECT digital? some card effects. Most of the cards come with no effects at all and do not carry anything digital.

All card effects can be removed. To depict murlocs, demons, dragons and elementals on plastic cards, that plastic cards will become worse if they don’t have enough of a couple of digital effects?

  1. Demons - spades;
  2. Dragons - tambourines;
  3. Elementals - baptize;
  4. Murlocs are worms)

I am on the US server Skizzy#11719


Skizzie, come on in the game. Let’s play a quest with you. A friend of mine!


This is one of your better posts/ideas.
I like it!
Keep it up.


Skizzie, my friend! Congratulations, your heavy beast hunter turned out to be stronger than the BIG warrior on world domination))


games would take forever if you would need to manually roll for random stuff, there are wild cards in general that would make it a horror to play (dead mans hand, the priest legendary that copies a deck) which require like 10+ copies of certain cards, deck of lunacy, keeping track of deck/hand buffs, keeping track of activation limits like with defile. and much more

It just wouldnt be fun having to deal with so much stuff