Person either cheated or game decided to go against me

I had someone in the battlegrounds literally dead to rights because they were on 2 hp the whole last few rounds we were fighting. He had NO SECRET, no ANYTHING to save him and i won the combat, hitting for 17 damage. But the freaking match kept going with him on 2 hp and wound up losing the next engagement because of this. I have no idea if he cheated or if the game bugged, but that has me beyond angry

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Neither of those things are possible. Something happened that you don’t understand. That is all. You are “beyond angry” over a meaningless game?

Step away & get some perspective.

There have been many bugs that can cause this. Some are likely still in game.

Opponents see different result from combat because of bugged heroes or spells.

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That’s some heavy gaslighting here.
There have been tons of reports since last season of players witnessing different outcomes in their fights, resulting to their opponent not losing hp or dying for no visible reason

We even know how this happens : something desynchronizes the game, resulting in players seeing a different fight, where only what they see happening to themselve is taken into consideration by the game.
The only thing we don’t know is what the trigger is.

When Diablo got released, the round where every one fights him was a trigger.
When the lich king got released, his hero power was a trigger.
Before anomalies got released, the double deathrattle anomaly was a trigger, but only during a showcase event before the live release.
During anomalies, a second trigger has been released but I don’t recall anyone finding what it was.
And so on


Absolute nonsense. Google what a software bug is; it can happen to big Corporations too; albeit rarely for crucial parts of gameplay but they exist.

THAT SAID: I would not be surprised if it was just an immunity and either misread it or only the graphics went bad (I’ve noticed many visual glitches).

I’ve never seen any bugs in battlegrounds, aside from the entire game crashing which happens in all modes, but that would be infuriating.


Stop blaming innocent players for bugs.


I’ve seen visual glitches. E.g. a minion has some kind of aura that looked like taunt+stealth but it had neither taunt or stealth.

Also what’s the deal with constructed’s GHOSTS lol…

Simple answer, hearthstone = scam