Overheating iPhone 7

After a couple of games of the new battlegrounds my phone gets very hot and starts to have performance issues to where it is unplayable. Hearthstone is the only app running during play. It never had a problem with hearthstone’s other modes, it is just battlegrounds.

Overheating is a hardware problem. You must go to Apple support.

Mind if i ask if u have bug chat? Ive the same iPhone, just to know

It don’t have to be a hardware problem, apps can actually cause overheating. Tho the most normal cause of overheating is because of the phone itself.

What is bug chat???

They can only reveal that hardware has not enough cooling.

Check the other thread here, game crashes when u type to a friend

Hello there! I have the same problem with my iPhone 11. This past Saturday I went to a local Sprint store and they replaced the original 2 weeks old device for a brand new one…guess what? Same issue. Here is my problem (mentioned in this post). When wireless charging the device on my car, it gets so hot that it freezes my internet connection and the screen starts dimming down to almost a total dark… I have been searching for answers however nobody seems to reported the same issue until I came across your post.

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