Overdrawn Mistake at silver rank

I’ve got another mistake for ya’ll, my opponent just kept overdrawing cards and losing cards.
Maybe the player went AFK.

We’re they hero powering and nothing (or very little) else? It may have been a bot.


how are you still stuck in silver?

Playing on a new server/account.

You win some, you lose some.

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it’s still impossible to be stuck in silver lol

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It isn’t though. Even with a 4x star multiplier, a 50% winrate could keep you in Silver 1-5 permanently, particularly if you don’t hit win streaks.


Shakou is just being insulting. No need to engage. :slight_smile:

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not really, any t1 deck has 50% or+ winrate and at low ranks, it’s even higher

Just to let you know, I have a few friends that quit playing this game, and probably stuck at bronze (10) :grinning:

I had an over draw mistake at diamond 4 last night. It was so dumb I laughed at myself. Overdrew 1 card because my brain decided it didn’t know how to count. Lost because of it =( xD

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I forgot I’d copied my Mozaki a few weeks ago, so I Cram Session’ed for 20 instead of 9.

I only actually had six cards left in the deck.

It turns out Fatigue 14 is a lot of damage.

Why does that matter?

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i just found it weird to be stuck in silver for years

Maybe that person was going for the start lots of turns with a full hand as priest achievement.

i had to no life HS for a bit to get my guldaddy portrait and even i ended up in gold despite only playing meme things to do quests. i figured out that a lot of the quests can be completed in bgs or against a friend so i only do ranked for the 5 wins quest. so i’m in standard silver something or other. but that’s cuz i just reach turn 10 after trolling someone with my pally deck and then concede. lol