Only alternative is to quit?

I’m just wondering how a huge game like this can figure out a way to allow the same players to player over and over daily. How is that possible if like a sheet ton play this game? I have a list of there names I have wrote down cause they never lose. So I just concede and hope for a different name then on list. A few happens but always back to the list. Look I am sorry for whoever Cheerios I pissed in. But I have shelled cash been a longtime player and seem to have a wall I can’t pass no matter how much I invest. So what gives for real. How can I play so random players almost like a lunch or dinner dates?? Sry confused

I am having a difficult time understanding your post.

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I play the same players everyday over and over. How is that possible. I have a list I made of players that fall under these categorie. They never lose, at least to me. So I always concede to spare the anguish lol. Yet they can play me sometimes 4 times in a row???

Are you playing Casual Wild? There are so few people playing that mode, that when I played it upon my return to hearthstone 3 months ago, I noticed the same names over and over. This was especially true if I queued up late at night. One person with name that had “Chinese” in it I always tended to bump into, and he always ran the same annoying secret mage deck. Considering I was playing decks from standard mode 2+ years ago, and he was running what appeared to be a top tier Wild secret mage deck, I found it amazing that he was still dumpster tier MMR to be queueing into me

The moral of the story is, don’t play Wild casual. Actually just don’t play Wild, but if you insist, play Wild ladder. There should be more variety of players on ladder than in casual

And if you want to improve, actually try running a good deck that can beat meta decks and watch guides on how to play it if necessary

Never mind I canceled my wow and deleted HS and WOW and Battlenet.

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Time for hangin??
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