Oh my yogg should have been

A rogue secret.

Like, it makes a ton more sense and the thing would have been way more balanced at 2 Mana. Currently rogue, unique among the classes with secrets, lack any secrets with true disruption. Shenanigans is fine, given all the targeted draw, but it doesn’t stop your opponent from doing what they were going to do that turn. Without the disruption, it’s hard for secret decks to build the tempo they need (unless they can draw and play them for free multiple times per game).

Anyone else feel like sometime Blizzard swaps cards between classes at the last minute?

I feel like this happened with Masters call between Hunter and Druid, for instance (maybe for the copy all beasts card too, but that never saw play).

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My two cents: Yogg is kinda fine as it is, same thing you do with counterspell basically. Sometimes it destroyed my early game, sometimes it buffed my early game (me as an opponent to paladin)

If i could change OMYogg, i would make it “When a friendly minion dies, cast a random spell with minion’s cost”.
Goes in line with hearthstone’s randomnes, needs clever placement and also brings utter chaos that can either backfire or help you.

The problem is not so much with yogg, but with the way “random effects” work in HS.

If a card heals a target, I have 3 undamaged minions, and I myself badly wounded, the game will still heal an unwounded target. The minimum expectation would be if a heal is cast randomly, it at least targets someone damaged, if possible.

Same for damage-dealing spells. When cast randomly, these often kill my own creatures. These should target the opponent’s creatures or the opponent, if possible!

Same for buffs etc. If they could do this for Solarian Prime, I’m sure they could do it for these random effects too. Oh my yogg wouldn’t be so lethal if there would be a decent chance that it does something useful. Now, it is 90% counterspell, 5% harms me even more, 5% helps me.

Oh My Yogg is fine as it is, it’s a good secret but nothing special. What makes it, and other Paladin secrets strong right now is the ability for them to be thinned out from your deck, plus you have other synergies on top like the 3 mana draw guy.

Without these synergies Oh My Yogg would see little or virtually no play, as it wouldn’t be worth the deck slot even with the effect it has now. As for whether it fits the Paladin theme or not, I can certainly see what you mean. Being able to disrupt your opponent in this way doesn’t seem quite normal for Paladin. But that’s fine really I think, it’s good for classes to be able to explore different tools and such every now and then.

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OMY is a brilliant card.

It’s basically counterspell with an effect.

It should cost way more.

When a person gets OMY’ed, and they have a negative effect on their own board/face, you know the card is busted.

The random effect should only affect the enemy. (targets enemies if possible)


I don’t know how you can say a reduced cost counterspell wouldn’t see play? b4 you say it’s not counterspell, how many times do you see a positive effect for the caster? 1 out of 10 times?

The real problem with OMY is not OMY, is that Paladin tempo is too fast right now. You don’t have the time to draw a spell to throw away, nor the mana to waste. If you can’t deal with a single Paladin minion on board, next turn you’re giving him value for Avenge, Conviction and or Hand of Adal.

OMY feels powerful because Paladin only needs the slightest opening to overwhelm the opponent.

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If it was that good it would have seen serious play when it was released during the DMF, but it didn’t. So why was that? The only time you’d ever see it was when it was randomly cast off of that twinspell card Paladin had.

And raising the cost of it would be irrelevant because it would still be cast from Sword. Which despite being nerfed is still a ridiculously strong card, and the real problem in these Paladin decks. Oh My Yogg is a good secret, I don’t deny that, especially when it has these tools around it. But as a standalone card, it’s just alright.

Also, looking at HSR. Galloping Savior actually appears to be the strongest secret in Paladin right now. So why not nerf that instead? Getting annoyed that your spell got disrupted is not grounds for a nerf. Infact it appears to be one of the weaker cards that is run in both Libram and Secret Paladin.

I have a trong feeling that the lriest and paladin quests from saviors of uldun was switched at the last minute.

I know healing overlaps between the classes, but reborn is a weird mecanic to focus paladin on (when priest cleary suported it better) and a pay off that goves you an understated copy? such a priest thing to do that’s othereise never seen in paladin.

plus, from a story standpoint, the “hero” archeologist team was were:
-raiding a temple
-unsealing a vaut
-tapping into artifacts of power

and…raising mummies…and it’s their murloc guy doing that necrimantic thing?

while team bad guys were:
-stealing swords
-unlocking a world destroying artifact (granted the guy doing that is also an archeologist)
-corrupting water
-hacking titan systems
and…awakening an obelisk, which is being done by their old god affiliated caster with no archeology background?

guess we’ll never know, but it always bugged me

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Very good points.

Sure, this. But also the fact that collectively, they can disrupt virtually any action you would take, which, coupled with the insane value they’ve been given for the rest of the cards is a little op.

Most other secret set ups have left a hole (e.g Hunter/rogue never had spell counters or health gain, mage didn’t really ever have on the board minion removal).

My main beef isn’t really the power level, just that it would have made more sense in Rogue, thematically, and it would have made secret Rogue a lot more viable.