Oh come on now!?

having 19 jade idols is one thing, but during one round there were TEN of them played after the timer expired including the 3 cards shuffled into the deck for each card. no lag or speed of card play will account for this.

I won’t even ask how he created a minion with 3079 attack and then got that same 3079 as armor after the minion died. it was idk how many cards played during that turn where there was no counter. anyone have a good strat to do almost 3.1k damage?

hs deck tracker does a bad job counting created/duplicated cards and cards in general so that you can’t look at the deck and see any of this.

overkill card attacked by 8x 1/1 friendly bees, then 2 earthen scales gave all that to the player. all in 1 round with no counter to play.

spent an awful lot of time healing my board and giving me extra mana crystals too??

after getting that 3079 armor he then played round after round of doing nothing but play and shuffle jade idols over and over and over. that didn’t appear to have any actual benefit except to troll and irritate his opponent HARD.

yes i foolishly started playing some wild rated games the last couple of days. i guess this will teach me? like other cards i apparently need to quit as soon as wildheart guff is played. big time saver and not getting pissed off will be the play.

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Would you see this as the last nail in the coffin?

If you tie do you refer to it as a hang nail?

When you win do you say, “nailed it!”

When you play boring games do you feel you are just toeing the line?

Ever hate the world so much you want toe-tal de-nail-iation?

Sorry. I am sorry. I will see myself toe-tally out.

I see you played against the combo armor druid meme deck. Best to carry at least one plate breaker just in case.

thanks for the help/info. i did find that card and idk if i should make 1-2. Sure wish i could have used it in that game, his health was actually pretty low but i had nothing with lifesteal in that pally deck.

to see a massive meme crushed by one card would have been sweet lol. idk how to get around using cards in decks on the off chance they will be used. this one isn’t bad as i have run across a few high armor warriors and even a couple of mages. thanks again

Id say one. And hopefully some way to draw it since theyll just sit there and take hits without playing much. Sir finley is a good card to have in that situation. Once the armor is gone they are screwed in most cases.

ETC is another option since you can carry 3 cards outside of your deck and pick what you need depending on the situation. Just pray it doesnt get burnt via mill tactics.

Idk why people think the deck is a meme, it can survive early game due to armor gain, it survives mid game due to armor gain, it doesn’t even care what cards you play, and then late game combo it obviously survives with armor gain +++++ and immune to fatigue damage because of Jade Idol. What is a meme about that? People say oh just run platebreaker or etc or sulking Geist or whatever, but doing those things will lower your overall winrate, not increase it. So where is the meme? Maybe it is just that I use it as a real/main deck that I don’t understand. What’s so different from Druid with 3k armor and Mage with Infinite Ice Block? Or Shaman with Shudderwock? Or Priest with infinite heal/deathrattle abuse? Or etc? The only difference is the fatigue/jade idol. Which makes it better than other similar decks. Where is the meme? It’s real.

Btw my version doesn’t even run Guff (Guff is too slow and unnecessary imo)

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I can’t find the sulking geist card you mentioned? i will keep looking as tips are appreciated. :wink:

i thought the Wild rated format and decks was all memes?

i must not play enough, i have never seen a mage do that. i beat a shudderwock so that player must be worse than i am. no clue what that priest one is.

perhaps if i was able to buy all the cards and make more i wouldn’t be so surprised. I am pretty sure that if i had a minion with 3.1k attack that became 3.1k armor i wouldn’t need any skill to sit there and mostly shuffle cards into and out of my hand for the rest of the game. good time for a bio or coffee break :stuck_out_tongue:

likely because it isn’t played enough to be considered meta and/or it’s weak to the current meta decks. pretty much everything not on the meta tier lists is a meme

I also find this explanation acceptable

The meta tier lists? Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

Granted, it’s harder to find much for wild, and the data is probably less reliable since there are far fewer wild players as opposed to Standard, but there is a new Tempo Storm out today.

Sometimes you can find stuff on the wild hearthstone reddit too. There used to be a really good report on the asian wild meta that someone used to translate into English on Reddit, but I haven’t seen it since Blizzard pulled out of China for a while

Sir, there is no meta in wild. The only meta in wild is your chosen deck up against another. There is no rhyme or reason (outside of sheep or bots who may adhere to such a thing as this “meta”)

I agree that this is the most fun way to play, and the way I play most often, but it is not the only way. I like knowing what kind of decks others are running, especially if they are popular. Plus before the quest changes, hyper-aggro wild decks were my preferred way to get through the “win 5 games” weekly quest before going back to losing with my homebrew casino mage