Official Alliance Thread: Come hither Brethren!

If you stand with the Glorious Alliance and promise to smite the world of the Horde scum, come in and stand with your brothers!

We Unite!


Lok’tar Ogar, Alliance scum!

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Ummm….OK. I’m here….

I brought a tuna casserole. Hope I made enough for everyone.


I brought the spice bread! Who signed up to bring the spider kabobs?

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I’m down for stomping some Horde mongrels.


For the Alliance! For the Naaru! Praise the light of Elune! For Gnomeregan! For Khaz Modan! For the might of Gilneas!

For the Alliance!


Grind their misshapen bones into the dust!

You are not worthy to lick our feet you small brained peasant!

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Im just glad they made this event friendly while keeping the faction war spirit alive !!! :stuck_out_tongue:
Horde personally , but alliance so i can play with gf for 7yrs+ :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lieutenant Commander LuckyPants reporting for duty.

Where are all the curvaceous Night Elf women I was promised for signing the contract?

I keep getting hit on by bears… this is really weird.


Where did all my cards go? Damned horde!!!

I’ve reached Grand Marshal, just wondering how many players have done so?

Don’t know but I am only a Knight. I don’t play much though. I just play duels and only maybe two nights a week so it’s a slow climb for me.

Kinda weird there’s no extra honor bonus for getting your opponent to exactly zero health, no?

Clearly evidence of a Horde bias. Everyone knows those ruffians can’t count.

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For the alliance but lets not call them scum let us keep our integrity.
For the alliance.

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Speaking of Scum…

On Instagram a guy was wearing a Star Wars shirt with the Rebel Alliance symbol…

I wanted to say “Nice post Rebel Scum!”

IG flagged the word scum and wouldn’t let me post it.

We can show PG television with people’s heads being blown off and eaten by monsters… but type the word scum…

Oh, by the way…


What’s with the avi’s? Did they add new ones? I would go look but am too lazy. Maybe some other day.

Well I chose the Alliance legendary because it appealed to me, but having never having played WoW I’ve no idea of the lore.

Anyone up for ELI5 to me?