Now this is one heck of a card

Opening up decks I bought w/ in-game coins and I just got the wheel of death card for Warlock.

Destroy your deck. In 5 turns, destroy the enemy hero.

liking the new cards already.

Before you consider it the dumbest thing in all of game development think to what the last warlock archetype forced on us was… sludge yes? When these are destroyed open fire for 4 damage to the lowest health enemy yes? Wheel of death is Blizzard’s belated idea of buffing sludge warlock by giving them a nuclear button to clear all sludge on him no matter where it is. That I BELIEVE was the original intention behind the card

the only reason people are playing wheel is for the broken synergy with the Festival cards.

I have never used Phantoem even once outside of demon dynamics getting him