Not receiving free Shield of Galakrond on EU

Hello there, was just curious if anyone knows how to get The shield of galakrond card (4/5 taunt/invoke) without crafting a golden copy? It was supposed to come when you log in. I received the galakronds, but not this card.

Are you sure you don’t have it? If you look in the crafting screen, it wouldn’t be there since it doesn’t show uncraftable cards. (Just so you know, I’m not doubting you or trying to insult your intelligence, just that this sort of thing has been overlooked in the past with other promo cards).

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Ya, it’s definitely not there. And no worries, no offense taken.

Hmm, no clue. Maybe try and contact customer support?

Nope. It is given after you passed all invitation quests AND open a pack of DoD.