No Crossovers Please (Diablo)

Please don’t create content from other worlds outside of Warcraft. Most recently there was Diablo, which I didn’t like at all.

I’m playing Hearthstone because of the Warcraft theme.

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There’s been cross-pollination of Blizzard franchises forever, including in Hearthstone. Right off the top of my head, I can think of Starcraft 2 and Overwatch card backs, and not recently but waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back years ago.

As far as the cards themselves go, though, I also think the IP should be used from WoW, or this is going to become more like Heroes of the Storm, which isn’t bad, but it IS radically different from what Hearthstone has traditionally been.

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Forget this idea, I want World of Stacraft. I want what was supposed to be StarCraft Ghost but ended up being shelved for so long it became that awful thing they call Overwatch… I want Rock n Roll Racing to have a sequel where we find out the Three Vikings have been the drivers the whole time. I want to get StarCraft 2 64. lol


I see Cramer is going for the bad ideas in a single post world record

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Not a single one of those are bad ideas… especially not StarCraft 2 64… no screen watching! Cheater!

Mages who can cast nature, holy, shadow spells, that’s warcraft.

Rogues that can cast magic (frostbolt, firebolt, pyroblast), it is well known that in Warcraft a rogue has a mana bar.

This game is just an insult to warcraft.

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Diablo fits into the style of hearthstone pretty well and I would welcome an expansion based only on Diablo! I was a fan of Heroes of the Storm as well before it was abandoned… Always thought that hearthstone should have included all the Blizzard franchises.

I mean why do you care? Its largely just a darker version of the fantasy setting that Warcraft already has.

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I wouldn’t be playing this game if it wasn’t Warcraft.

so? HS is a game people characters in wow play

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Obviously then you are aware of the Mage’s Spellsteal ?

Also, are you suggesting that Rogues not use the mana gems that all classes use? Are you suggesting they ought to be using gold coins instead? or whatever combo point unintuitive thing that they use in actual WoW instead of mana?

The only insult to warcraft is that rogues can both silence and stun a mage, making it impossible to either Trinket away from the stun nor Blink out of it, nor even Iceblock into relative safety… just gotta sit there and wait for death… Thats an insult.

I mean, wouldn’t it be awesome if they have an OVERWATCH expansion? lol

Come on… no?

I may not know all the spells on wow, as that would be ridiculous to know them all. Not sure how the namecalling was needed. Seems immature at best, and just childish at medium. Good day to you sir. May you find who ever defecated in your cereal bowl today.

When Hearthstone was initially released, it was subtitled “Heroes of Warcraft”, but that subtitle disappeared some time ago. Crossovers with other Blizzard games are now a thing.

The mechanics of each game are very different, so any crossover is about lore rather than gameplay. I guess it would be nice to know that HS lore fits into WoW lore if you’re a WoW player, but… TBH, I don’t mind where the content comes from, so long as it is fun to play and good for the game.

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