New Warrior Legendary Card - Blastmaster Boom

I would enjoy this…but knowing my luck, my opponent will end up having a Togwaggle to swap the decks.

Except that that version of Togwaggle is leaving standard, so unless you’re playing Bomb Warrior in Wild you’ll never have that problem.

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Honestly, the nostalgia value of 7/7 + bombs on 7 is enough to make me giddy.


Bomb Warrior isn’t going to be Bomb Warrior. It’s going to be Mech Warrior with a few bomb cards tossed in as a secondary win condition. Blastmaster Boom is probably going to be a very strong card as a 7-mana 7/7 that can fill your board with Boom Bots with relative ease. Game-breaking? No. Strong? Definitely.

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It’s not like it’s the first Legendary that works this way, though. Rhok’delar is very similar to it in this aspect, also got its supporting Epics printed in the same set.

Dude, this is Dr. Boom with more bots that sometimes have rush… I’m saying 5 out of 5 in the decks it is run in…