New Warrior Card - Dr. Boom's Scheme

I’m okay with this being an armor card and not a destruction card.

HOWEVER, two changes need to be made if Blizzard expects this card to go anywhere except the garbage can:

  1. Reduce the cost to 1 Mana. Hagatha’s scheme takes about 5 turns before it’s worth the cost. Rafaam’s takes 3-4 turns to be worth its cost. If we use Iron Hide as our closest armor comparison, 5 Armor for 1 Mana is reasonable. In its current state, it’ll take 10-15 turns before Boom’s scheme is worth its Mana, and that’s ludicrous. I understand Blizzard has a fear of making this too powerful, but then you consider that Druid (a class that’s not meant to be as armor-based as Warrior, mind you) was given a card that gave 12 Armor for 4 Mana. And if you want Dr. Boom’s scheme to get that good, you need to let it roast in your hand for 12 turns. That’s nuts. It’s okay to give Warrior a bulk up tool.
  2. Fix the artwork. If you guys were able to alter Omega Defender’s art once you realized it didn’t fit, then you should be able to update Dr. Boom’s Scheme’s art too. It simply doesn’t fit, and it’ll create a mental clash.

It’s good that you guys showed us this card 2 weeks early, because it gives you time to iterate. Just about everything else in the set seems pretty well-balanced, but this is just pitiful. Please give it a second pass before release.

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This card had to have been “Summon a boom bot(Upgrades each turn)” or something with bombs until they changed it. Just look at the art.

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Good news Warsong Commander, your status as worst Warrior card has just been revoked!

But yeah, this desperately needs to be reduced to 1 mana. That’d still make it worse than Iron Hide for the fact you need a dead card in your hand for more than 5 whopping turns and need to draw this quickly for it to even get over 5 armor in the first place, but at least it would have a niche then.


Has the rate at which these cards grow been confirmed as 1 per turn then? I haven’t seen any confirmation although I haven’t really looked.

Like, the warlock scheme looks like trash, but what if the card gets better in multiple dimensions? If it spawns 3/2s or 5/5s in late game it could be worth it. If this grows at 2armor per turn I would see it being playable.

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It pretty much as been implied that way. They mentioned on the stream that the warlock scheme is capped at 7 by board space.


According to this
hand buffs do not get copied by dmh, but if dmh can copy the effect of unidentified shield for example, I think it applies for this card as well since the effect changes the card itself not buffing it.

The new bomb cards can be a really good finisher in dmh tho.

Are we sure it upgrades at 1 armor per turn? Cause if it is two or three that’s all whole nother story.

other 4 mana card of similar were straight up usable when needed. this is bad to keep on opening hand and worst being a top deck. Bad card case closed.

It needs to sit in your hand for 20 turns to be equal with Iron Hide, which is also a pretty lackluster card.
This should cost 1 mana, max 2 to be decent.

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This had to shuffle bombs into your opponents deck originally. This card is pure trash as revealed.

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If it had some sort of ramp for armor I think it would see play, but if it just gains one per turn… it’s dust


If this upgrades with 1 armor/turn, we’ve found a card that’s worse than Duskfallen Aviana.


If it does, then this is some Fatigue Warrior stuff.

And Rogue gets a 1-mana anti fatigue+value generator, that is better than Gang Up.
I am suspicious and do not really trust the devs, concerning this decision.

The question actually comes about, is this the very worst card we’ve ever seen?


There’s not even a question. It actually is the worst card in Hearthstone’s history. The REAL question is, was it actually the most broken card they ever created and then nerfed to oblivion because scaling bombs every turn was more powerful than they originally thought? I think the answer is yes on both counts.

If someone decides to play mechathun war then this is probably an ok choice as filler. Just to get some more armor. Even if it’s just 2 or 3, you’re just racing to the end goal anyway and don’t want to put that much stuff on board.

Someone who plays quite some Mecha’thun Warrior games, I can safely say that a Mecha’thun Warrior would never want to run this card.

  1. Mecha’thun Warrior doesn’t even has armor issues. This card is the worst survival card in the game. It’s a dead card for many turns.

  2. Mecha’thun already has 6 dead cards. 4 remaining cards in your hand has to be damn good removals and board-clears. Playing a version with 8 dead cards is just auto-lose. It’s impossible to survive and win games with only 1-2 playable cards.

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Ah makes sense. And unfortunately Blizzard only buffs cards if it’s a mechanic fix.

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I don’t know, Poisoned Blade gives some stiff competition in that regard.

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