New Warlock Epic: Riftcleaver

You had me at


It’s fairly common for mage to have a 5+ spell since the god picks for mage currently in arena are Flamestrike, Firelands and Conjuring call
Good picks include Blizzard, polymorph and Messenger raven.
Most of these cards are 5+spells. The chances of the mage having a 5+ spell increases if Messenger raven was played on earlier turn, but for some reason the card messenger raven discover had not been played. Sunreaver Warpage is a rare pick even if you have 5+ spell, but it’s not that uncommon to pick sunreaver as mage. If the opponent has more than say 4 or more cards in his/her hands then I would consider him/her having it and conclude he probably doesn’t but it’s not impossible.

However, Since it is not that common, and you always need to push for tempo/damage. Sunreaver is a card you can’t really play around just like say Deathwing. You can’t assume your oppenent has sun reaver and not play anything. Even if you did know your opennent had sun reaver you still need to push for tempo.

On the other hand, a card like flame strike I do play around. I understand when it’s turn 6 I always kill off my weaker minions and don’t trade with my tougher minions where against any other class I don’t do that.

You don’t have to have actual percentage of probability, you just have know about what the opponent is going to have and the best way to play around most cards

And their is no dead set equation since the meta for arena changes all the time with bucket change and set rotations. But if you want math you can check out HS replay, it would be a waste of your time.

While the effect is strong, and on a reasonably sized minion, I question if this will get used when lock healing is currently in a pretty bad place and bomb hunters and warriors are rampaging the streets.

In any meta where hunters and bomb warriors aren’t around? This almost certainly sees some play. It will also see play if blizzard ever gives them another very powerful healing spell like their spellstone, but I think they learned to not overdo it on lock healing last year.

More common than you would think. But the whole thing with Arena is weighing risk and reward when it comes to picking synergy pieces. A suboptimal drop doesn’t kill you, since they’re mostly just pieces to value trade until you grind your opponents card out of their hand.

So the potential synergy with warmage (which is a decent body) and another good spell (like Blizzard or flame strike) far outweighs the risk of having a bad drop (especially since you usually draft more low cost minions that can fill in the curve).

Very powerful card and the stats are more than generous for the effect it provides.

7/5 vilespine slayer without the combo trigger, nice.

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A 6 mana 7/5 Demon that destroys a minion upon play and inflicts self-harm in a way that is very fluid with the Warlock style of play. I like it.

3 of the 6 cards you list are 5+ costing spells. Half is a significant portion, but it’s not “most”.

I fail to see what:

Battlecry: Discover a Mage minion.

has to do with having a 5+ cost spell in hand. Neither can it discover a Sunreaver Warmage (since that’s a Neutral).

You’re either missing several steps in your explanation or you’re confused about what cards are involved.


don’t question me idiot


Really strong card. Yeah the health loss is a consideration but most of the time this is going to provide a big enough tempo swing that the health loss doesn’t even matter. Killing something AND developing a relatively big minion for only 6 mana is very, very good.

I guess you have to evaluate this card like you would a weapon but with health instead of attack. Take the damage from a minion once and destroy the minion, this is the same except take the damage of its health.

Save siphon soul for high health targets, when your opponent plays a crowd roaster use this instead and only take 4 damage.

You could always trade a minion down to 1 health, play this and bobs your uncle.

Doesnt look good to me.

Riftcleaver is definitely not playable in the current meta.

If Warlock doesn’t get some kind of great healing, it won’t be playable next expansion.

0/5 Stars.

Bad in Zoo.
Bad in Plot Twist.
Bad in Handlock.