New Priest/Warlock Rare Spell: Hysteria

It’s like Mass Hysteria but only for a single chosen minion, combined with Deathwing, Mad Aspect’s battlecry.

This could have interesting possibilities depending on the board state.


This actually looks like a GREAT card. It attacks random minions, no matter whose they are- so if you cast this on an opposing fatty when your opponent has a full board and yours is empty, it could easily remove multiple threats.

Oh! You can alao use this as a pseudo-rush for your own minions. Good way to break voidcallers, cubes etc in wild as well

I like Hysteria a lot.

Tons of trolly combo potential.

Escaped Manasaber, Soldier of Fortune+Mindrender Illucia, etc.

And It’s just super strong.

6/5 Star Power Card

I wonder if people in Wild are going to try this + Deathspeaker + any minion with an ATK stat for a full field wipe except the chosen minion.

2 card board clear isn’t that strong in wild. Proc a when this attacks with it and you might have something

I saw one of the commenters on Out of Cards suggest using Wretched Tiller + Deathspeaker + this to do a lot of face damage while heavily damaging/wiping the board. With 11 health already on the board, that’s lethal, barring armor or something else to extend or protect the opposing hero’s health.

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Ooh Wretched Tiller, I completely forgot that card exists. That’s definitely going to happen.

EDIT: Oops, thought Deathspeaker had 3 health instead of 4 for some reason.

Deathspeaker already has 4 health, so you should only need 11 health already on the board to deal 30 to your opponent. Anything beyond that is overkill unless they have armor or something to reduce damage.

Aaaand it’s broken aaand it’s a priest card, yaay

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This spell is nut what the hell are they smoking at their offices? I could really use some.

cool because priest didnt have enough removal. this was definitely excused because of evolve shaman

It’s not like priest doesn’t have ways to increase any minion’s health too…

Pfft, Warlocks have had Deathspeaker OTK & board clears for a LONG time. More entertaining/satisfying to pull off than this Tiller combo as well imo.

A skill-testing card (for either side), which I like, but also less problematic than Mass Hysteria - which was pure, unadultered RNG.