New "I WIN" CARD for roges, outrageious

Roges can now play an 8 damage 8 health card on turn 3 on turn for they can play another one.
Also they can flip flop through their deck doszens of times in one turn.
What is the solution to beat this?
Anyone know?
What card do I need to beat this?

That sounds like the Miracle Rogue deck in Wild. I played that during the brief stint where Garrote/Pirate Rouge dropped out of Tier 1.

I maybe got a giant off that fast once, so I think you’re overvaluing that as something to worry about. Also, it’s turn 3 or 4. Every class has something to deal with that threat by that turn.

What are you currently playing?

Got beat by rogue, running to the forums


What are you talking about ?
I don’t see a card in the miniset that fits that description

Common things by Miracle Rogue in Wild…

Add wild tag or something so we don’t bother.

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It would be really helpful if people said in the post what mode they were playing if playing something other than standard ranked

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The day they remove the rogue class from the game will be a day of celebration.

Heard someone’s cries… Delighted.

“I didnt think to save my “old” cards… so Ill pretend the mode is bad”

The wild cope never stops.
Nobody cares about your “mode.”


Say what you want to say.

The mage cope never stops I think you mean…

You could do so much more In Wild… but perhaps scraping 40% win rates in Training Wheels mode suits you better.

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All I can do in Wild is waste time reminiscing about days long gone.
That “format” is a joke.


Sounds like a you thing.

Perhaps you go study up your cantrips instead of trying to squeeze into some club of forum bashers…

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I don’t pretend that mode is bad the mode supposed to be bad that is why they introduced standard to begin with.


The mode was made to repackage Ideas.

Supposed to be bad?

Sounds like a cop out.

Just because people were tricked into thinking they could keep up with ONE format if they dusted cards on schedule…

Doesnt mean others were.

Tell me what Twist bosses you are looking forward 2?

The 4 free ones you get?

“I dont like twist its dumb”

uh huh…


I am intrigued by the mode and excited to try them all.

It is okay to like wild and it is okay that most people seem to prefer standard. People have reasons for both

Lol you are wrong. standard is introduced so the everytime they make a new expension dev team doesn’t have to consider the cards they created more than 2 years ago.

An old player who plays Wild only needs a couple of cards per expansion, he crafts them and plays as before. Blizz would be in crisis if no one play Standard, because no one would need that many cards to create meta decks…
Standard players are doing exactly what Blizzard wants, whether they like it or not :v:

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