New Hunter Common Spell: Hunter's Pack

I agree that every class should be more like hunter, but they seem to be moving away from that, not towards.

Hunter has had 3 or more very good decks for over a year. And it’s no coincidence they’ve seen the lightest of nerfs to their classic set. That’s why they have multiple strong archetypes.

Personally I think they made the decision to have hunter be the cheap f2p class. And I applaud that it is actually viable, but I really don’t want another cycle of 35-40% hunters on ladder.

I don’t have any animosity toward the deck or class. I’ve played secret hunter on ladder for most metas, and enjoy it greatly. Mech Hunter as well. I enjoy mid-range a lot. I’d just like to see it spread around a bit and balanced out.

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Thoughtsteal is pretty likely to get two cards that share similarities (given they come from the same deck) and as a result are likely to have synergy. On the other hand, there’s no guaranteed synergy for the random hunter cards (say you get Springpaw/Longbow/Rat Trap?). Additionally, you’re comparing two cards that are not only from different classes but that are from completely different styles of set (Classic, which is low-power level, and expansion, which is generally higher-power). I’m not saying Thoughtsteal is a remotely passable card or trying to underplay the power of Hunter’s pack, but Thoughtsteal isn’t really the card to be comparing this to.

Nah, I don’t think its the best common in the set. That card was revealed earlier today in the EVIL Recruiter. And I’m quite sure that the BEEES!!! will end up seeing more play than this aswell.

As far as this goes well its obviously great for value, a weapon there is like 3 weapons and all is good. Secrets well there we got some that are better than others but overall not too bad either. Beast however depending on deck can be both good and pretty average. Which also is the reason why I’m unsure about this card I’d rather draw a Unleash the beast than this. And Hunter already have Masters Call that draws cards from you deck instead of random cards from an bigger pool. Which is way better as a turn 3 play.

I feel that Hunter usally need to make proactives plays to stay in the game if they start teching for value early on they might very well lose the game there. And when they get to the late game its Zul’Jin time for value.

Its good for abit of refill but I don’t acutally think the current Hunters would run more than one of these. I can be wrong but I don’t feel that a three mana play for value suits the current Hunter decks.

Omega Assembly is better in its current deck, getting three mechs for one mana or one with discovery early in game if needed. Also Hunters doesnt have the same synergy with the cards they get from it that Warrior has with Mechs atm.

I can definitely agree on this front, hadn’t seen Recruiter as of when I made the original post. 4 Mana for a Lackey battlecry and an 8/8s worth of stats is nuts, and I almost forgot about the totally degenerate spell that is BEEES!!!

That said, I still think this card is definitely a worthy contender for the spot, and might even see more play than the other two on the sole basis that Hunter is a more popular class (and probably will be even post-set) than Warlock and Druid.

Priest isn’t really a synergy class. Outside of the occasional dragon priest, priest cards are rather generic that works on, in theory, almost any minion or spell.

Inner fire can do silly things with high health minions, but that’s a single specific use.

Possible I still think that Master’s Call fit the deck alot better than this card will and I dont see Hunter having space for both.


Giving it some thought, I expect Hunter’s Pack to see some play in Mech Hunter as that deck’s version of Master’s Call. While it doesn’t draw or generate mechs, it gives them tempo tools (in return for a low tempo turn) they can use to either close the game or stay in it.

Hunter’s Pack is an excellent topdeck in almost any situation.

Good card for Highlander hunter but will aggro/mid-range hunter want this? I don’t feel most reasonably aggressive hunter decks really want to spend 3 mana drawing a bunch of random cards, no matter how good the deal is, they already have masters call for refill and ZJ for value.

Mid-range Hunter is already able to constantly out value Warrior with Dire Frenzy and Zul’jin.


That class identity text is a utterly lie and they aren’t even doing any effort to cover it.

They tell whatever they think that will be good to tell and proceed to continue with whatever they were doing even if it goes against what they said.

It is a classic at this point.

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This is a good card. It lets the hunter refill and go longer vs control decks.

Because the don’t know how to balance a game.
I will be keeping this card and the broken lackey that summons a 5/5 bc they will be nerfed (2-3 expansions later of course bc $$$ in the short run). They are broken.

Thanks, Chakki!


This kinda reminds me of raiding party. It’s obviously weaker in that draw usually is better than discover and targeted draw even better than that, but it costs 1 less mana, random secrets can trip up people so much and such effects are rarer in hunter and it works with zuljin really well. This seems to have a lot of potential.

I think the world knows my feelings on this card. I love Hunter and this is amazing value…but at 3 mana? Secrets are 3 mana apiece and weapons vary - the cheapest one being candleshot for wild and Headhunters hatchet for standard.

And you bet your sweet bippy the first time this card pulls a King Krush, the complaint threads will be plastered all over the forum.

On the flip side, I don’t see myself playing this at 3 mana because it nullifies Master’s Call. I see myself using it as a lategame refill. Granted, not every player is going to use it as such but I think it’s a neat card.

Still…3 mana for a beast, secret AND weapon? I would have to play with this one and see what else is in store but I tentatively believe this might see a jump in mana cost.

Good :slight_smile:
Even if this doesn’t see play, it still has the potential to make my spellhunter in Wild more interesting. The problem so far is simply variety. There are cards that are so clearly good that you’d be dumb to pick something else (f.e. Animal Companion or To My Side). A card like this is not auto-include but why not change things up a little?!

Definitetly going in my reno hunter deck in wild. Dat fuel.

I didn’t even discuss the Wild impact. When it comes to Wild, you have Rhokdelar in the weapons pool. If you’re playing Spellhunter and you pull a second Rhokdelar after DK is online?

Oh man…the shenanigans!

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Generating three class cards for 3 mana…yeah, that’s pretty strong. Even if some of the cards you generate are useless that game, the chance that all 3 will be bad is pretty low. Makes Highlander Hunter seem more viable as well. This is a 4 out of 5.

The down side of this card should be the random hunter weapon. However in this case it’s a huge upside because all three are really good and have synergy with the card. Gladiators bow finally sees some play in a meta.