New forums, need new avatars!

Hakkar and curious glimmerroot PLEASE!

New avatars added, no tarim nor genn


Necro for witch cauldron avatar

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Ayy, where’s Lord Godfrey at? Or does the Chinese fear of the Undead stop me from getting him?

King Mrgl-Mrgl Would be cool to have :wink:

Hey Urza, liked your post for the Necromancer a New Avatar.

Female or Male it would be cool. I would like there ability to be different then Gul’Dan’s. Since it is a Necromancer. The ability could be summon a random skeleton or zombie. A 3/1 with Rush, 0/2 with Spell Damage and 1/3 with Taunt. It would cost the original 2 Mana or maybe 3 Mana . Still would be awesome! Nice Suggestion, Urza


Hey ValiañtDeity

For necroing this thread.


Unfortunately I was stating an action not an idea but ill take it anyways. I necroed this thread to try and get a witch cauldron avatar.

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I’ve been reading way to many forum threads recently, an it’s come to my alarming attention that the most NEEDED forum avatar for these boards is none other than Entitled Customer!

10 month’s in the grave, but this necro is needed Blizzard. I prrroooommmmiiissssseeeeeeee…


As a demon hunter player and lover, I’d like to see some such avatars.

Can the new forum have a link for wild specifically as the meta is vastly different between the two.