New forums, need new avatars!

Whoa, new format will take getting used to. I’m going to just keep my old avatar until in used to it.

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I definitely want Mecha-Jaraxxus! If I can’t have it in-game, Having it here would be darn cool too! (Still want 'im to return though, oh well shrugs)
Agreed too on Zul’Jin, Dr. Boom - Mad Genius & Maive! They’re dope.


leatherclad hogleader with nice cleavage


Genn and Baku *DictatorElmo gets Hof’d


Nemsy. Please and thank you.


Hi all, I posted this in another thread but we will be collaborating with the Hearthstone art team to get more avatar choices soon!

Post here - New forums, need new avatars! - #38 by Callie


Can we define “soon” (no dates, obviously, just this set/next set/the set after)? Regardless, exciting stuff and thanks for letting us know!


Weaponized Piñata
Iron Juggernaut
Foe Reaper
Houndmaster Shaw
Kel’thuzad himself

I’d auto change to one of these, if some were to be added


Well, since we start at a new forum, I guess all i can say is that
Ok, I believe You
For Now

But it has to reset to Sorceror’s Apprentice any month that you don’t make Legend.

Also, where are the Hearthstone emoji?

Up to date Avatars are really common sense.

ie. If they had added the Troll bosses in conjunction with Rastakahns release, it would be in forum advertising and correlate with the “spirit of the games” that the release was trying to promote!

“Pick your favorite troll champion in the forums, represent!”

It would have added excitement to the expansion release and possibly promoted people crafting their favorite troll legendaries ( that = money Blizz, DUH)

No brainer… but I don’t speak for others brains.


In general, Avatars for the marquee Legendaries/characters for each expansion would be a good idea. Updating whenever a new expansion is about to be released.


Fair enough. :handshake:


Nice! (also minimum 20 characters per post is strange)

Yeah, it is that way on all the new forums. This is feedback I will pass along to the Community Managers for all of the games. No promises on changes though.


15 characters for thread titles as well pls. I dont expect change, but both these restrictions seem a bit silly.

Trust levels could get very useful here - remove the requirement for say L2+. And btw the new forums are great! I tested them when they first appeared at OW - great job!

That’s awesome to hear. I know everyone that you see posting always wished we had more choices on the old boards, but they never happened.

You’ll make a lot of people happy for adding more. A big thanks to you all in advance for doing such.


Seems like it’d make most sense to go for a general automated solution. Just dump all the card art from the game - minions, spells, heroes, bosses, tokens, everything - into a server somewhere, set up a script to convert each into a display picture image, then manually apply adjustments to the framing where needed. Then every time a new expansion comes around, just run the process again. We’d probably need a search bar to navigate them all, but it’d be a pretty great feature for the official Hearthstone forums. Everyone could use their favorite card or character, and there’d be so many options that you’d rarely see the same one on two different people.

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That would be an incredible option. Very ambitious.