New 'Extra' Dust Advice

This topic is for any and all advice regarding the many dust players have received. What should we do with this stuff? All feedback welcome.

I’d provide tips, but, am in actuality looking for some myself.

do what you always do with dust: keep it and use it when need it.

It’s not really an extra dust, it’s just your regular dust that wasn’t given to you when you deserved it in the past.

The real extra dust will go away, so I think not using it to not go into negative it’s wise. Imagine starting the new HS year with -8K dust: it would be impossible to craft anything, even a common.

Your right. It’s not really extra – it just feels like extra. :wink: Thank you for reminding me. I edited the OP title to reflect it is not literally extra.

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Well since we know that quest warrior is being nerfed and that is 40% of the player base, expect a big shift, it is hard to know what people will play after.

That’s hyperbole. It does not make up anywhere near 40% of the meta. Quest Warrior makes up a small 5.95% of the meta in the past 7 days in D1.

Spend it ASAP!!!


Well rapid fire to 2 mana also means you cannot use it in odd quest hunter, that’s another dead deck. I probably have 20 copies to disenchant, so it is a very exciting way for them to nerf the deck for me.

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Good point. I don’t ever play Wild and so wouldn’t know. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Just a fair warning, if you stay logged in i think you can still use the dust, but when you relog, it vanishes from your account.

I’m not really sure what you should do and we should probably wait to hear if people log in with negative dust.

But i would probably stay logged in (if you haven’t already), and wait out to see what the crap is going on until relogging as the dust will likely vanish or go negative.

Any guinea pigs who dusted and went negative yet?

It’s gonna be real scamazy if you could spend it all and just go down to 0. :confused:

I was spending months saving tactical crafts and not crafting much so i had like 12k non dust button floating playing my 100-400 dust completion f2p deck hunting pattern. I hope it didn’t just get flushed down the drain, so i didn’t craft.

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I know the extra dust I had on one account is gone so its definitely all gone…

Why am I surprised I played a buzzard game and come out feeling low.

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if it were me id spend alll that dust and if negative dust comes…its not MORE negative dust than you spent its interest free.

for a poor person a huge no interest loan is a gift bc you spend it now not a long time from now. and what you are buying stays valuable (this is debatable i don’t think strong cards now go “bad” later on outside of directly nerfing that card which if happened full dust refund happens anyway).

there is no logic to not spending it negative dust or not, unless you don’t want any cards now, which idk who in the world that is but i guess some people out there are not looking at any cards for a wishlist.

for everyone else its like a no brainer and now that they stopped it its worse bc we had a gold opportunity.

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I’m strictly standard player. I have all legendary and epic cards in standard mode. I hold unto it and spend it for the upcoming expansion. Save me tons of time to open packs and lottery hitting legendary cards.

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What I’d really like is for there to be more cosmetics for sale. I’d be going to town on that.

But you are spending your future earnings on things you probably don’t need right now and on cards that will greatly depreciate, it’s not the same as a business taking an interest-free loan in order to increase profits. There are a few instances where it might be advantageous, a new player who doesn’t have any meta decks to craft their first, that would give them momentum to reach diamond 5 and build their new deck. A player who is planning to quit hearthstone in the next year also should take it up because it’s a loan they would never repay.

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apparently people who spent dust they got as extra only got reset down to 0.

Apparently they haven’t done negative dust yet, there might actually be a fair chance if you’re still logged in and hadn’t been reset yet to craft the dust to 0.

Of course blizzard scamazing us later by adding negative gold or finding a way to make negative dust later isn’t impossible either. Sigh. I relogged and already had 12k so i didn’t want to chance it.

I guess if you’ve ever wanted a libram paladin or copies of scabbs and raid the docks if the nerf targets are right, now is the time.

Unless you end up negative bankrupt. XD

Why is it I don’t seem to have been granted any extra dust? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If you’ve relogged, they took it all away.

I had the 8k x 2, but i logged out to be a guinea pig, lost it all, but i didn’t want to lose the 12k i had before or risk going bankrupt with warnings of negative dust.

Sounds like negative dust is currently a myth(?), and furthest people have been reset is 0(?) alledgely, but they’re fiddling with cards every 20 minutes. I have no idea if the people who did craft negative wake up to negative gold tommarow, but it’s kinda sad instead of a freebie they took it all away.

I also unironically have normal copies of the uncraftable cards that were meant to be refunded back… But i haven’t gotten any refunds for them… I guess undoing the accidental rewards, they took away the refunds for the intended normal cards as well though. so 16k to 2k to 0k, nothing i guess.

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yes and yes
i mean the whole “card valuation” has a history of powercreep where a LOT of 5+ year old cards are the furthest thing from playable.

however, its slow bc curve.
like the curve if it were a graph of blizz’s powercreep is flattening out bc it has to or we will have 1-2 turn matches in wild.

So idk some of my craft list i dont mind sharing:
Hero Scabbs (rogue)
Hero Guff (druid)
Darkglares (omg…i know…caving…but w/o the quest the deck is wayyy fun compared to the old version of over the top apothecary otk which means not-interactive)
and bc im me i want to try out thief rogue.

is scabbs going to be “bad” in 2 years? 6 months?
nobody knows for sure, but one can no question go with “yea, that cards going to be good for a long time or at least includable in a deck”

same w guff.
same w glares. obviously.

thief rogue? Probably not going to be amazing or great in 2 years or so.
BUT you never know, maybe support comes it’s way and/or maybe the player (me) doesn’t care if the deck doesnt win enough, maybe its fun just trying it out and seeing how close it can get to a winning deck.

like, cards dont HAVE to be in a winning deck to be wanted.
and, some cards are just no crystal ball needed you can just tell they are so strong that they are going to be good for a reasonable amt of time.

make sense?
like look at the hunter 9 cost legendary from last expansion.
that card is not good, is never going to be good, is the furthest thing from good i’ve seen on a card (for wilds sake) i couldnt imagine if that card cost 1 mana it wouldnt be playable, it has so many conditions attached to it and it doesnt go face nor does anything it pulls unless you somehow get a rhino to pull and kill something lol. i mean you can cheat 2 mana back but that’s contingent too. 1/2 of wild doesnt have minions laying around on boards for trading / triggering a legendary’s ability off of.

anyway, see how crafting something like that sucks now and will suck?
card eval isn’t a for sure thing but its also like…for sure sometimes…see my point?