New Druid/Shaman Rare Spell: Guidance

So, it’s like a weird mash-up of Discover and Choose one, but without either Keyword. I guess the interface will look like a normal Discover with your two spells along with a third “Keep both” option?

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I like the design of this card. Good mashup of the choose one and discover but gives the chance for greedier plays should you so desire

isnt a discover card

so it isnt limited to just your class !

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So this isn’t draw? It’s just like a weird 2/3 discover thing?

Clarification from Celestalon on Twitter:

So, it sounds like it will work the way I guessed it would.


ahh good thing is not from your deck

would had been crazy broken for all aggro shaman/druids

It is limited to your class.
