New Card : Cosmo?

Cosmo is a card from Snap but i thought the effect would be really good for Hearthstone. Like a 3 mana 3 / 3 with the effect : Battlecries are disabled. Cuz honestly i would like to have a tool against OTK like the Druid one. And it would be a skill-testing card because you need to predict when your opponent wants to use his battlecry-combo.

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They’ve added effect-disabling cards before. There’s one that turns off deathrattles, but to date there hasn’t been one for battlecries.


It would be better versus rogue since they rely on those tempo bursts early in the game.

There was a card called boompistol bully that increased the cost of battlecry cards by 5 for a turn. Wouldn’t mind to see it added to the core set.