Nerf Warlock NOW

Tired of Warlocks placing 3 8/8s by turn 5 stop the explotation.


i thought you didnt play the game …you said you quit

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I like to replace “nerf” with “play” when I see posts like this cause apparently I should be playing what needs to be nerfed

Got beat by Warlock, running to the forums!

just run random Ice shard and Leeroy in your deck. they usually dont expect it coming unless its class that can damage face. you just need freeze the 8/8 till leeroy to save u

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worst deck in a long time to play against. would rather have unnerfed brann warrior back lol

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If you make a deck to specifically beat a “pre-made” deck you will never get put up against that deck you made your deck to beat.
It’s like when emerald golems came out for druids.
90% of your games were against emerald golems. put two geists in your deck and you went down to Zero matches against emerald golems.
And you wind up with two useless cards in your deck.
Amirite bois?

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you are lying
because i countered them wtih geist many times and you claim its impossible


Prove it… Oh ya you can’t… Your word also means ZERO.

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Madam, the number of times you get matched against emerald golems after you put the geist in your deck drops dramatically.
The same thing happens if you keep getting pitted against roges with magick weapon that keeps enchants.
Put weapon stealer and weapon smashers in your deck, the number of time you get matched against them dropps to almost zero.
This has been proven.
The algo looks at your deck and the opponents deck before it makes matches.
Blizzard has never stated the game was random.
It is curated.
The end of discussion.


Not only that but people are cheating, always having a very specific card for a 1 and a million play etc.

Tired of this stupid game.

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100% pure lies, game isn’t rigged

Also false


Do you have a blizzard quote where they actually say the decks are shuffled?
Do you have an actual quote where it says matches are random and not curated?
I will submit if you can find a quote saying it is random then I will agree it is not rigged until proven by looking at the code.
If you cant find the devoloper quotes will you be willing to admit that you made a big mistake nad apologize?

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Nope. I’m pretty confident that they exist but I am not spending half a day Googling for you.

It doesn’t matter anyway because data websites record millions of games, including recording draw order. It’s random.


Those are all subsidiaries of bluzzard and on the payroll.

So thats not a valid argument… conflicts of interest an all that.

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They proveably are not, tinfoil head

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Ah yes the names and places of things shall be changed into the names and places of things…

That, like many of your posts, is pure gibberish.


Gibberish nah…

You just dont have any context to attack it from…

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No I am telling you that “the names and places of things shall be changed into the names and places of things” means literally nothing, it’s pure gibberish. I’m not even disagreeing with it, I can’t disagree with something that isn’t comprehensible language. It’d be like a monkey going oo-oo-ah-ah and me saying that the monkey is wrong