Nerf Scavenging Hyena

Spider Bomb
Hunter’s Mark + Candleshot
Execute (or cards of the like)
Mass Dispel
Amethyst Spellstone
Shield Slam
Reckless Flurry

And many, many more ways to effectively deal with it. Stonehill defender could make the list just to stall, and Zilliax could too. Against Hunter, go for early game board control and deal with it however possible.


This is definitely not true. I’d argue that early Razormaw is a larger predictor of the outcome, and either way, there is much more variance beyond that.

Which player gets more copies of Master’s Call/Rexxar, which player grabs the board in the early game, which player hangs on to more resources for later…there is a lot going on in that matchup.

I don’t think many high-level games at all are determined by who draws the first Hyena; that card is actually very low on my mulligan-for list. And the first player to commit Hyena to the board can easily be the player that loses as a result of that decision.

You’re wrong. Enjoy.

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Fixed that for you. But thank you, I will. :slight_smile:

As for you; I suggest you learn how to beat a tier 2 deck.

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And you’re entitled to your opinion. Even if it is factually wrong. And yours is.

So, enjoy being wrong.


You really have nothing productive to contribute, do you? It’s kinda hard to be wrong when I’m using only unbiased data and facts to back up my claims instead of petty feelings. :stuck_out_tongue:

Facts/data > feelings.

Not gonna waste any more of my time on you. You just stay in your echo-chamber.

You’re not even getting the joke that I am simply copying and pasting your non contructive words? (hint, thats the joke)

“It’s FINE” isn’t really an argument. Then I say “It’s NOT FINE”

See, you need to contribute too!


I used to drive my Ferarri 100mph down this road for YEARS without an issue.

Then they put in a school.

No, no… the Ferarri isn’t the problem! It those pesky KIDS!

You can sit here all day and vomit " Hyena’s been here forever, blah blah blah"

Fine, it wasn’t a problem THEN, but guess what! It is NOW!

Firey War Axe!

Mana Wyrm!

Do I need to continue!



“But Divine Favors been here forever, was never REALLY a problem till BAKU and token spamming and hand filling, blah blah blah…”

I don’t give a crap about the history of a card OR the supporting cast that’s making it an issue.

It’s an issue.

So, enjoy being wrong.


Actually, Divine Favor was incredibly strong both in Murloc Paladin and Aggrodin from KnC. Any time there’s an aggressive Paladin deck, it’s a pretty fair assessment that DF is responsible for more wins than Hyena in any aggressive Hunter deck.


This is the problem with talking to highly intelligent people. Too literal.

You get the GIST of what I’m saying tho? Not lookin for spread sheets and .00001 accuracy.

The idea that a card can’t be “made worse” by its supporting cast is provably inaccurate.

Many cards have been adjusted based on their performance in the “current” (whenever that may have been) meta.

I’m not looking for a Hyena nerf, I’m laughing at the people that see nothing wrong.

Next xpac.

0 mana 0/1 beast, dies at the end of your turn, no, it wont help Hyena, because Hyena was bad 4 years ago!

TLDR There is a precedent for nerfing Hyena

Murloc Warleader?


If Hyena can ever carry Hunter to a level of success that those decks saw for as long as they did, sure. But right now it’s nothing more than a very strong card. You won’t see me saying that it’s BAD or anything, in fact the current toolkit for Beast Hunter seems deliberately designed to make use of it, but those points get made whenever folks go into “OMG ITS TOTES UNBEATABLE MOST OPOPOP CARD EVVAARRRR” mode.

Remove any intelligence and literalism from the discussion points, and all you have is a bunch of people puking feelings at each other. That isn’t a discussion, that’s barbarism.

True, but again, I’m not here to cite stats or charts or tiers or ranks.

When I get destroyed by one that’s all I care about.

I’m more of a theoretical whiner lol…

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In that case, the game needs to be deleted because anything that beats me is too strong and everyone who even contemplated being a part of the same species that would participate in designing a game containing such absurd elements should be permenantly punished within the lowest pits of the void.

Destroy all humans because of this game.

Destroy all of reality because of humans that made this game.



I hope they don’t. When they start nerfing the evergreen set you get Druid and shaman who avoid their classic and basic cards like the plague.

Yes, it’s super strong, but that’s because of how many cheap, proactive tools hunter has to protect the hyena. And the fact that do rexxar will just roll you over if you counter the hyena too hard.

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All my base are belong to you?

Indeed they are, bud.


I just want to point out that if you read everyone’s comments in a “gay” voice they make much more sense…


I read them with the voice of Bruce from Family Guy… “Oh NO!!”

Yup. Works all the same

OH NOoo! The Hyenas are comin yall… OH NO!!!

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