Nerf Rez Priest now

I don’t give a rats butt if they are not doing good at high ranks you are forgetting they dominate low ranks and ranks should NOT be the only factor in nerfing or buffing a class.

A ton of your players don’t even do ladder because it is not their playstyle yet they have to put up with stupid decks that are way OP.

nerf the deck now.



However, rank is an important factor in balancing decks, because decks that can be countered by outplaying the opponent shouldn’t be nerfed. Not should decks be nerfed if they happen to be successful in limited pocket metas.

In other words, if you can beat a deck by a) swapping decks yourself, or b) getting gud, the deck doesn’t require nerfs.



Play Quest and NOTHING ELSE! Play all your life drain cards to complete Quest and other cards that give you unavoidable life gain.

Only Play Archmage Vargoth during the RNG bias phase.
Only Play Zilliax or Waterbearer or Infiltrator during the RNG bias phase of 1 - 6.

DO NOT PLAY ANYMORE MINIONS because thee 100% GUARANTEED Mass Resurrection spell will be in your hand on turn 9. Double up on Vargoth.

NOW PLAY all your other RNG bias cards like double on Infiltrator. NOW HIT EM WITH YOUR SUPER HERO POWER! The one tats unavoidable and others players cant do anything about.

SKILL! When the AI programming does all the work for you. Players dont have to be at YOU! They have to beat the AI programming. Which they can do IF they know they are facing Priest most of the time. Then they just make the counter pattern to the pattern and win more often. Thus, Hearthstone. Use the Most OP to win more or make the counter pattern deck to the most popular deck to win more. Nothing about it uses skill.


You have the wrong class then, if you can’t beat priest then I don’t know what to tell you. Change game or look for guides.

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BULL*&IT. It is a piece of sh*^ deck. Obviously you don’t want it nerfed because that’s the class you play. The Res mechanic is garbage in HS.

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I don’t even play ress priest so

One of the things I’ve always loved about priest is the kid rage it brings out in so many people. It’s always entertaining to watch.


One of the main points of playing Hearthstone is to have fun. When a deck that is loathed by so many people due to its mechanics becomes a staple, then that defeats the purpose.

I also like to rope every Priest player on every turn (regardless if I have a winning deck or not). That is also entertaining to watch.

Troll me if you please… I can beat Rez Priest on ladder. But it is the most un-fun deck to play against. Because of this, I auto concede any Priest in casual. I also do it so they get less playing time with the deck.

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Ropers don’t bother me. If you want to turn a 15 minute game into a 30 minute game and still lose, that’s your affair.


Who says I always lose? But if you’re going to play that piece of $8%t, brain-dead of a deck then you deserve to suffer the time you’ll never get back :wink:.

Personally, I just instaconcede to Priest whatever the deck he/she plays. I just don’t care losing a star to that ‘’ thing ‘’. I just move on until the next Priest then ‘’ concede button ‘’. Better not waste your time and energy on that. Solved.

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That is fair. Was just watching Dragon Hunter and Aggro Hunter beating the Sh&* out of Priest (Agro Hunter is savage). Hearing him say ‘You have bested me’ was like music to my ears.

They should nerf mass res to 2 minions instead of three and cycle vargoth. Also carrion drake (5/6 idk name off of my head) should be a six drop. I feel like the stats and dragon tag alone make it decent at 5 mana

Let me get this straight… you think that a person who plays a deck that regularly takes 10-15 minutes to play a game will “suffer” if you force them to play a long game?

And you have the gall to call other people brain dead.

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I think the “they don’t do well at high ranks” is just a load of faff, they making up excuses not to nerf it.
Nerfing Rez priest is a very tricky thing… because it’s how they want priest to play… res is the whole point of priest.
Despite it being the least fun most boring OP thing you can ever play against… they will never nerf it…

Let me ‘reword’ it for you since you’re not that bright to begin with:

Yes, to beat Priest you’re in for the long haul (you can make it longer than the Priest wants it to be). But even if I’m winning (read that again), I’m still going to make it painfully long for you (I’ll watch TV, talk on the phone, eat…etc). In most cases (win or lose), they’ll concede. Is that clear? I think a 9-year old would understand that.

As for my braindead comment, yes, you don’t need to be that smart to play the deck, hence why you’re playing it. But don’t worry, Hearthstone is inclusive, so there is room even for the likes of you.

People are forgetting the simple fact that res priest and big priest (wild) decks are among the most expensive decks in the game.

Blizzard being a greedy company, would never nerf something that makes them money. “oh but its bad for the game”, well i think we already established the fact that blizzard doesnt care about their games for years now, as long as they sell stuff they are happy. They dont care about you or the game as much as they care about your wallets.

If you take a look at the nerfed cards for past few years, they either nerf them and leave them still in a playable condition, or nerf them to the ground in a way that it will only affect the cheaper decks so the expensive decks can have an advantage over them and keeps players who play expensive decks in the game so they can keep buying packs. This is sales 1o1 people. You dont need to be a genius to see it.

But go on, keep crying and buying packs, im sure they will listen :slight_smile:

Which is why Odd Warrior is still a thing.

Wait no.

Well, at least there’s Control Warrior with Boom and Elysiana.

Err… no, that’s not it either.

I know! Galaxy Mage is totally a thing still.

What? Ah, nevermind.

You just wasted your time since none of the aboves comes close to Big Priest values

And remember, the topic is about these decks being too oppressive and not getting nerfed. The only thing thats somewhat close to that value is galaxy mage and that has never been an oppressive deck as much as the 2 priest decks we mentioned. So nerf it or not, either way, insignificant.

Big Priest alone shaped the entire wild meta for 15 months, let that sink in for a second. A deck controlled, shaped and manipulated the entire meta and not only that but the wild meta where you can play the entire collection of hearthstone cards including hall of fame cards, for 15 months. When people were making decks, they would test it against Big Priests to see how viable they are. I reached from rank 12 to rank 3 in 5 hours, playing one of the weakest decks in wild, Exodia Mage. Because that was the deck that you can beat Big Priests at least 80% of the time. During that climb i lost maybe 3 or 4 times.

That IS the definition of oppressive. Not Control Warrior, not Bomb Warrior, not Galaxy Mage and definitely not Odd Warrior which is now one of the weakest decks in wild meta.