Nerf me please (serious)

I like Demon Hunter, i want to play with real people. Thing is there is a lot of people auto-conceding to DH.

I suppose i understand, playing against a Death Knight is just not fun and i might not want to waste 20 minutes of my life on the guy. But yeah, i’d like to play DH sometimes.

Do you actually do that?
Sounds like a recipe for trouble.

Yes I do, about 75% of the time unless the emote at the end of the match than it is 100% of the time.

Aren’t you afraid of retaliation from ActiBlizSoft for sending so many reports? According to some posters here, ActiBlizSoft will PeRmAnEnTlY BaN YoUuuuuuu… wiggles “spooopy”fingers frighteningly

Not many things on this forum have frightened me the way that


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I was being seroius.

So which one is it? DH or DK?

Gotta love how replies come in without a care for what was really said

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I mean, it was a case of a somewhat confusing opening post immediately followed by an off topic yet absolutely volcanic take from a bitter low IQ troll

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DH, instaconcede.
DK, give em a turn or two. If they play a hand buff minion. concede.

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Nope and if they do I have other accounts I can use.

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Only troll is you, you are the single biggest Blizz rear end kisser on these forums.

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Kind of a personal attack there, isn’t it? Would be a shame if it was reported as such. You might get a forum vacation for about 2 weeks. btw, not saying I’m reporting but there are those that would/will out of spite.