Nerf direct damage spells

Why this game became a harry potter duel? this dumb wingardium leviosa and avada kedavra spell decks that kills you in hand and 0 chance to counter unless play 500 cult neo.


They’ve always been there. Let me introduce to one of the scariest:

Common · Spell · undefined · Deal 5 damage to the enemy hero.

If Harry potters so bad, why do you know their spells’ names.


That reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Bart was insulting ballet being stupid and in doing so performed one of the most difficult ballet moves just to prove how stupid it is.

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CCG player demands damage from hand be removed from the game.

More news at 11.


Are you trying to tell me you DON’T like being hit for 30+ dmg for 5mana tops? How can you not like that. It’s such a cool mechanic. All the cool kids are doing it. You’d preffer if they payed 10 mana for 10 dmg? Preposterous! Crazy talk! Well i never…

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harry potter is not bad i like it,but this is hearthstone not harry potter