Nerf Brann #AgainstBrokenCards - Just surrender, don't waste

Blizzard simply turned a blind eye to the absurdity of creating this card in the warrior deck. There is no real balancing other than the total modification of your card, for example, the next 2 or 3 war cries are released twice, instead of being
“for the remainder of the match.”

Seriously, the card simply takes the fun out of playing the game.

I know that everyone who plays wants to have fun, in addition to climbing the ranked queue, however, I invite my Hearthstone companions, if you come across a warrior, just surrender, it will take away all the fun of playing with a broken deck and You will save time in your life by not playing a game without fun.

Thank you for your attention for reading this far. God bless you.

meanwhile, if you DON’T draw brann in time, you lose against almost any other deck in the game.

The best Control Warrior lists are 30 cards, duplicates, and Odyn focused, with no Brann at all. You’re complaining about the joke option that serious lists cut. It’s underpowered not overpowered… at least, for now, idk what the next expansion will bring.

probably nothing of note to make it actually worth it. I’m about to stop playing it because it is beyond frustrating to play AND slow as hell.

Yeah… but you may not surrender either now or will be banned for losing on purpose… :\ logical…

Too late.

They don’t nerf properly in this game. Wait 4 more years.