Name 1 thing you like

Name 1 thing you like about creating your own decks from scratch.

One of my favorite things is that WTF moment you see when play a card your opponent would never expect to be in your deck.

example, I made a wild elemental quest paladin. It was decent, tier 2 at least, mostly because nobody understood how to handle the deck. most of the elementals in the deck seem par of the course, until I play something like a blaze caller. then I see my opponent highlighting it, and me and I can almost see the WTF expression on thier face, then I played 3 rag, light bringers and he just quit lol

I run an odd mech paladin. People be expecting a regular odd paladin but then i drop a mechano egg. I wish i could see the look on their face when they kill my giant buffed mech eggs only for me to cast Kangors Endless Army and resurrect my army of giant buffed eggs.

It’s also fun when i have a really high health mech with not much attack and i use void ripper to swap attack and health and suddenly they die.

When you play a non standard card and the person hovers over it for half a minute


When you hard counter northshire cleric with stubborn gastropod and your “opponent left”

When the opponent draw all their card and I shuffle corrupted blood in.

Sharing a bed (at the same time) with

Scarlet Johansson
Sarah Michelle Geller
Jennifer love Hewitt
Pamela Anderson (nostalgia)

Thats 1 thing i would like.

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Roping. And then winning by the RNG borking the other player instead of me and I steal the win. Then when they immediately rage friend you. Try to anyways.

Roping. Each and every turn then waiting for the “Rope Burning Cry” threads here on the forums. Also, verbally disemboweling anyone stupid enough to try and rage friend me. Have yet to have my “poor, sensitive feelings” hurt like 99$ of the so-called “community” whom always whine about such on these forums.


No one ever expects Kezan Mystic! Steal all the Ice Blocks!

Cyanide pills and hanging ropes

This. Couldn’t have said it better myself!

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When you face pirate warrior that has been spamming taunts at you since the game began. They empty their hand and knock you down to 1 point of health, only for you to take your sweet time on turn 6. Then “thank” them before dropping Reno.

What percentage of these aggro players do you think actually have the honour to concede these matches compared to the ones that rage quit?

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Seeing the Pyromancer trick every day. I really enjoy seeing the Pyromancer trick every day and the use of Auctioneer to create the Diarrhea deck effect so that a deck is burned through by turn 7. I really like that.

Take out that first auctioneer after its made and Oh - well I have my second auctioneer now I ran my deck on turn 7 with biology projects and on turn 8 I win.

Ah patterstone. So heavily reliable to give me ferocious howls and spellstones etc etc that I have an unstoppable deck by turn 4 and I can’t lose by turn 8 as I have 30 armor and 24 health and just need to finish my game of Solitaire.

Toggle Woggle for the most skill-less deck next to Mechathun. Team 5 probably has a lot of sucky combos for us come April. Betting all my cards the game will still stink in 2019.

When I play aggro-style Lakkari warlock, then turn 6/7 when portal is out and my opponent is growing low on health, Renouncing into virtually anything.

And THEN, clenching with a totally unexpected deathwing once your hand of cards, which with renounce darkness already costs less than is usual which allows you to play CRAZY emperor-style combos otherwise impossible, has pressured them into playing everything they have.