Mor'Shan Watch Post : Uncraftable?

Hi there!
So when you reach Level 13 you get a golden Mor’Shan Watch Post. I tried to dust it but it says it’s an uncraftable card. What I find weird is that I can spend dust to craft it but i can’t disenchant it for dust.
So the way I understand it is you can spend dust to get the card but you can’t then disenchant it to get a card that fit more with what you want to do with your collection.
It takes some vertality away from players when they want to develop their collection.
Also, who really gives a … about golden cards. I want cards so I can play the decks I want. It’s super fine to love the arts and effects on special golden or diamond cards but i’m sure i’m not the one who’s happy when he gets a golden card because that means I can exchange fairly my card for another card of the same rarity level. It gives me choice And I love it.

The only reason I could see is to limit ways for players to have dust so they ultimately want to spend money on the game to get the cards they want?
Because I know that if you pay for adventures you can get exclusive cards and that’s fair. If you pay money to play you should get some small advantages but reaching level 13 isn’t exclusive to players who paid and the card is not exclusive since you can just craft it…

Is this a bug?

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You can’t dust the gold one, or most free cards.

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The free golden cards can’t be disenchanted. It’s a new thing the devs are trying. At least, we can disenchant the non-golden extras so there is some dust gained.

I can’t DE anything, that I have extra and it’s infuriating. Having extra cards on top of other cards that I will never use and not allowing DE, is plain stupid.